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y'all are gonna hate me. sorry in advance.


When Travis woke up the following morning, the first thing he did was roll over and check the alarm clock. It was after noon, he must have been tired from the events of last night. Everything kind of hurt- Especially his head. God, his head was pounding. He turned back over, seeing Sal still asleep. That was odd, usually Sal was awake before Travis. But he tried not to question it. They had an eventful night last night, they were up very late, and Sal had night terrors. He needed sleep.

Travis pushed some hair out of Sal's face. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. He decided to take a shower before trying to wake Sal up and plan the events of the day- that'd give Sal a bit more rest. But he did need to wake up soon, they needed to eat and figure out what they were going to do with the rest of their day. Travis stood from the bed, frowning as he remembered he hadn't even changed out of his clothes from the night before. Sleeping in jeans was uncomfortable as fuck, he must have been really tired to be able to successfully do it.

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