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The boys arrive in Hollywood, California, before they realize it. They bid their goodbyes to the kind people that let them ride with them, grab their things, and walk off to the unknown. It's loud and hot there, though it's the middle of winter it's so hot Travis wishes he'd changed into shorts for this journey. And God, it's crowded. It's so crowded.

The reality of their situation begins to sink in when Travis realizes they have nowhere to stay. Neither of them have been to California before, and Travis himself had never even been outside of Nockfell. Not even for vacation. The Phelps' didn't do vacations. Kenneth hated Travis too much. Or at least, that's what Travis assumed was the reason. He really didn't know why they never went on vacation- They definitely had the money.

"Uhm- Sal, what now?" Travis mutters, watching the people walking past them anxiously. Since no one's giving them a second glance-Or a glance at all, really-It must mean they're still not reported missing yet. Which is simultaneously surprising and unsurprising. Travis doesn't know much about Sal's home life, but he does know that his own parents probably wouldn't report him missing- Mostly because it'd spark up an investigation on the family. And attention, at least such negative attention, is the last thing Kenneth Phelps has ever wanted.

Sal shakes his head, his hand moving to grab Travis'. Travis almost pulls away, but he likes the feeling of Sal's hand in his scarred one, so he lets it happen. He embraces the warmth Sal's hand brings to his own, waiting for Sal to respond to his question. If Sal responds, that is. Travis is sure Sal's probably just as lost as he is.

"I don't.. Know. I'm so sorry, Travis. This was so stupid." The longer Sal speaks, the more it sounds like he's about to cry. It makes Travis' heart ache- He doesn't want Sal to think this idea was stupid. Even though they've only been gone for about two days, and most of this has been fear filled, this trip has by far been the most fun Travis has had in his entire life. And he'd admit it in a heartbeat, if it'd make Sal believe he wasn't stupid.

"No, Sal- This isn't stupid. In all honesty, this is the most free I've ever felt. And I can't remember the last time I had this much fun." Travis reassures, his eyes wide as he speaks. He also can't remember the last time he's been this honest to someone, especially someone like Sal- But his words do seem to make Sal feel a little better. The happy glimmer slowly comes back in one of his eyes, which makes Travis happy. He just wants Sal to be happy in his last days, that's all. Sal's happiness is all Travis wants, and it's all he's going to ever want for the rest of Sal's life- However long that may be.

Sal's smiling, Travis can tell from the crinkle next to his eyes. It makes Travis smile too, and he squeezes Sal's hand as a way to reassure him just a little more. For the moment, he ignores the thoughts yelling at him for acting gay, especially out in public. Sal looks like a girl, so these two just look like- Boyfriend and girlfriend. The two look normal. Straight.

"Maybe we can find a cheap motel around here." Sal suggests, and Travis nods in response. Though anything within their price range will probably be drug and criminal infested, it's their only option. Unless they wanna sleep on the streets. Travis thinks he'd prefer drugs and crime to being stuck on the street. At the very least a motel will provide them with a bed and a bathroom, if nothing else.

The two set off with the suggestion fresh in their minds, eyes searching for a motel. Or someone who looks like they wouldn't scream at them if they asked what the cheapest motel around here was. Which, Travis quickly learns, is a significantly difficult feat. Everyone in Hollywood looks like they'd dropkick Travis for looking at him wrong. Either that or call him homeless or something. So many people here are so glamorous. Probably famous, but Travis wouldn't really know that. No media's allowed in the Phelps' household unless it's Christian.

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