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Travis has quickly found that, along with freedom, running away comes with boredom. There is only so much two teens can do within the four walls of a motel room. Leaving was too risky, though after a few days of being cooped up in the room and living off gas station snacks the two desperately wanted to.

They were hungry, tired of sugary snacks, and bored. They'd talked about everything two teens could think of. Debated going back home, but shot it down. How would they get back without being caught? There was no way.

They'd been gone for about a week now, and that meant the police had most likely given up hope. Most people aren't alive after being gone for as long as Sal and Travis have been, but who knew? Kenneth was awfully pushy when he wanted something bad enough. Harassing the police to find his son wouldn't be out of the question.

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