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Despite the kiss the boys shared, nothing more about their dynamic changed. Not that quickly, at least. It seemed as though they were both too scared to make the first move to change what they defined as them, to assign a label to themselves, though they so desperately wanted to. Things were only slightly different between them.

On the mornings Travis awoke early enough to catch Sal before Sal was gone, not to be seen again until almost dinner time with a wad of cash that Travis was too scared to ask the source of, he would find himself to be what could only be described as tangled with Sal. Their legs tied together, arms holding each other, Sal's face buried in Travis' clothed shoulder as drool escaped from the hole in his mouth. If it was anyone else covering Travis' shoulder in drool, the blonde would be absolutely disgusted. But it wasn't anyone else, it was Sal.

Life was fairly dull, exactly the opposite of what Travis had pictured when Sal suggested they run off to Hollywood to live their dreams of freedom before Sal was brought back to his creator. After a week or so, the news of their disappearance died down. The news was no longer calling for their return. Their faces were no longer shown on TV, asking if anyone had seen them. The police had given up, luckily. That was, if there was any attempt to find the two at all.

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