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Deborah's been acting weird. Travis first noticed it starting about a week ago, as Travis got "closer" to Sarah, per his father's demands. As he and Sarah got "closer," or so Kenneth and Deborah thought, Deborah began acting weird. Kenneth got happier, while Deborah got... just odd. Stressed out, anxious, maybe? Travis isn't entirely sure what the emotion was, but it was as though she had something hidden underneath that she was desperately attempting to hide, although it was of course not working. Deborah wasn't a very good actor.

Travis tried not to think too much of it, he figured maybe her and Kenneth got into an argument. Deborah tended to get all weird and too happy when her and Kenneth were having problems, probably trying to cover up the reality of things. Maybe she was running from reality, trying to act happy and being distant and far off because she really wasn't here. Travis wasn't too sure, and he had no interest in asking her or learning about her actions. She was a bitch, through and through, always looking at Travis weird and touching him too much sometimes, a hand on the thigh under the kitchen table or an arm around his waist as they talked to another family at the church.

The touches were becoming more frequent. As Travis as Sarah got "closer," Deborah became more touchy. Now no longer a hand on his thigh there or an arm around his waist here, now it was basically every time they were together. Hands on thighs under the dinner table every night as Kenneth just stared at them, as though he knew but didn't want to say anything.

The touches were odd and quickly becoming more frequent, but Travis was trying his hardest not to pay attention to it, to shove it away. Even if it made him uncomfortable, he figured maybe this was just normal family touches that he was never exposed to before Deborah, because there was a brief few years between his mother and Deborah where Travis got no touches other than slaps or punches.

He tries to ignore the touches as he sits at the dinner table tonight. Tries to ignore the weird, obsessive and happy look Deborah gives him as he sits. Kenneth wasn't home tonight, so maybe that's why she was happy. He was working, though on what Travis had no idea. He has an anxious feeling stuck in his stomach, one that he can't shake. To others, the night would seem fairly normal. The weather was just beginning to cool as October began, and the Phelps family was sitting at the table, and there was a nice meal spread across the wooden surface.

For once, Travis' plate was premade for him. That was a pleasant, though scary surprise. Deborah smiled at him and the two family members held hands as they said Grace. Travis just stared at his food as the other at the table ate, he hardly had an appetite, mostly from the anxiety resting in him. He was afraid of what may be in store, considering Deborah was smiling and talking and just seemed to be happier.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Deborah asked sweetly, very obviously faking the kindness. Travis swallowed thickly, looking down at his food. He didn't want to eat whatever was on that plate, he was sure it was probably poisoned or something if Deborah was insisting he eat it so kindly. She was in far too good of a mood for it to hint towards anything good.

Sure, to anyone else, this would seem normal. Your stepmother making your plate for dinner and insisting you eat when she saw you didn't. That was normal and even healthy for others. But for Travis, it was scary. He had no idea what she had in store.

He was more afraid of what may come if he didn't eat, though. Deborah's patience already seemed to be running thin, he had no idea what she may do if he didn't eat as told.

So, he ate. Travis figured the worst that could happen is this meal kills him, which he's really not all that afraid of. He's not afraid of death, in fact, he'd take the fiery pits of Hell over this tortuous life he lives any day. He's sure not even Satan Himself could dole out punishments as cruel as Kenneth's, burning was probably on the tamer side of things.

Travis only got about halfway through his meal before he started feeling dizzy. The room was spinning and he couldn't think straight. This wasn't right, he knew he must've been drugged. But with what? Was it in his water or the food? Nothing had tasted odd or looked odd or anything, but still for some reason he couldn't think and as he tried to stand he stumbled over his own two feet.

Deborah was quick to grab him, arms wrapping securely around his torso. It was uncomfortable for him, but Travis tried to tell himself she just didn't want him to fall over. That there was no deeper meaning to it.

They stood there for a moment as Travis caught his balance. Her arms rested around his waist and his stomach hurt, he just wanted to vomit. He was sure it wasn't long before he passed out, due to whatever it was that he had been drugged with.

"C'mon, let's get you laid down." Deborah said softly, though there was clear signs of something else underlying her words. Travis, for once, wished his father were here. He tried to shake his head to her words, even though he knew he couldn't get to his room on his own, he didn't know what she had in store for him but he was gonna do everything he could for it not to happen.

Deborah hummed at his futile attempt at shaking his head, he was so weak from the drugs in his system that the move was small and barely noticeable, a tired gesture that Deborah clearly had no interest in listening to. She led him upstairs to his room slowly, arms still secure around his torse and showing no interest in moving anywhere else.

Once they were in his room, he was pushed onto the bed. Travis let his eyes drift shut, almost thinking she'd finally leave him alone. Almost letting himself think that maybe, for once, she'd be kind. That she wouldn't be a bitch.

His hopes were quickly extinguished as he heard his bedroom door shut and lock. Deborah walked around for a few minutes before coming to stand next to the bed. Travis didn't open his eyes, he didn't want to know what she was going to do. He hoped desperately that what he was thinking wasn't what she was going to do, and if it was, Travis hoped that the drug she gave him would make it so he wouldn't have to be conscious for it, so that he wouldn't remember it come tomorrow morning.

Deborah sighed. Travis could feel her staring down at him. The room was silent for a moment, then shuffling. A dip in the bed as she sat next to Travis.

He clamped his eyes shut tightly, whimpering a bit as Deborah reached for his shirt.


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