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Travis instinctively pulls away, which clearly makes Sal shrink in on himself. His shoulders slump, he takes a step away from Travis, and shakily shoves his prosthetic back onto his face. His hands are shaking horribly. If it weren't for the kiss that just happened, Travis would've blamed the shaking on Sal's medical condition. But these are clearly not caused by anything like that, rather, they're caused by anxiety. Or that's the best word Travis could think of to be a cause for Sal's shakes.

Travis is silent for a moment as he processes what just happened. Sal just kissed him. This had to be a dream. There was no way that was real. Never in a million years would Sal Fisher want to kiss Travis Phelps. He must have just somehow figured out Travis' feelings for him and took pity on the blonde, deciding to pursue him to make him feel better about himself. There was no way in hell that someone as perfect as Sal would want to kiss the mess that is Travis Phelps.

Travis opens his mouth, wanting to say something, anything, but nothing comes out. He closes it, opens it, closes it. He probably looks so stupid right now, mouth moving as though he was a fish out of water gasping for air, but no sound coming out, as Sal just stands and stares at him, tugging at his pigtails.

Travis is speechless, for once. He can't come up with a slur to shout at Sal, or the courage to confess his long ago developed feelings for the other boy. All he can do is stand in front of this stupid fruit painting, trying to say something, while Sal's probably having a panic attack from Travis' lack of words.

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