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When he awakens, he's no longer in the club. Nor is he in the motel room, or anywhere else he recognizes. It's not a hospital, either. That's for sure. Everything hurts as Travis blinks, eyes aching horribly. How long had he been asleep for? He didn't know. Sal was nowhere to be found.

As he took in his surroundings, he finally recognized where he was. It was an alleyway. Travis could still hear the loud music of the club nearby- he was most likely in an alley behind the club. But where was Sal? His heart began racing as he looked frantically around for his boyfriend, but there was no other living figures in this alleyway aside from the blonde. In fact, there wasn't much of anything back there. Nothing other than an overflowing garbage can, and a puddle of vomit extremely close to Travis- Gross. It was so close he could only reason it to belong to him.

Travis attempts to stand, with every intention in him to go back into that club and find his boyfriend. No matter how shitty he felt, he couldn't just let himself sit there while Sal could be panicking trying to find him in the club. He couldn't let anything possibly happen to Sal. Travis wasn't sure if stress might make Sal's heart condition worse, but if it did, he definitely couldn't let Sal get stressed out.

Right as he tries to stand, hand gripping onto the wall for support, he hears a familiar voice approaching. Sal.

Travis eagerly goes back to sitting on the ground upon hearing the voice. He's still so tired, even after the little nap he had. He feels like garbage, his heart is still racing and his hands are still shaking. He just wants to go home, but he can't go anywhere in the state he's in.

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