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i'm sorry my updates have been so few and far between, i'm trying my best to update as fast as possible but my motivation is getting love and piecing together the story to flow how i want has been difficult.

While screaming coming from your house would probably deter anyone else, Travis hardly paid attention to it. He reached out slowly for the doorknob, letting his hand rest there for a moment. He knew the door wouldn't be locked, it almost never was. Travis hesitates for just a moment, listening as a familiar feminine voice-Deborah-pleaded for mercy. He knew the second he entered the house, he would be the new target.

Just knowing that almost made Travis turn and walk back to Addison Apartments. His hand rested on the doorknob, body heavy with anxiety as he contemplated turning and going back.

Travis hesitated before deciding against it. Sal was drunk and hearing Deborah's screams inside along with the sounds of breaking glass and landing kicks.. It was too much. Even if Deborah was a bitch and Travis felt as though she probably deserved this, he couldn't bring himself to make her suffer through a beating like she had done with him so many times.

So, Travis slowly turned the doorknob. Almost as soon as he started turning it, the sounds inside stopped. Deborah was sobbing, but no longer screaming, and Travis heard the sound of heavy footsteps followed by a gun cocking.

He's hardly afraid, though. All a gun could do is put Travis out of his misery. He's not opposed to that. So Travis opens the door fully, sighing heavily and closing his eyes as he waits for Kenneth to shoot him. Instead, he just hears footsteps, and then a harsh blow lands against the side of Travis' head. Kenneth probably hit him with the gun. Fuck, that hurts. And his ears are ringing now. Really loudly.

Warm blood seeps out of the freshly opened wound, staining Travis' hair and seeping into his ear, down the side of his face and his neck. It drips down onto his-no, Sal's (wait, probably Larry's)-shirt.

Travis doesn't have time to speak before Kenneth's large hand lands on his arm and tugs him inside the house. The blonde is flung to the floor, yet only a small whimper comes out. He's felt worse pain. Far worse pain. This is nothing. Yet, it still hurts like a bitch. Maybe it doesn't hurt that much but Travis still hates it. Still, Travis wants the pain-both physical and mental-to end.

And, somehow, it does. Something hits his head, and then Travis is seeing black.


He wakes up somewhere he doesn't recognize. Or at least, doesn't recognize at first. It's a dark room, a musty room. Old furniture and boxes are littered about, Travis hasn't been here in forever. His basement.

Travis attempts to stand, but his ankle quickly protests, sending him falling to the ground. If he hadn't known it was broken before, he definitely knew now. It hurt like a bitch, Travis just wanted Sal- No, a hospital. He wanted a hospital. Or really just someone to help him. He wanted to be safe, to feel safe.

The blood from before is now caked in his hair, caked on his face and on his neck. It's grimy and disgusting and Travis just wants to fall asleep forever. Please God kill me now.

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