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Banner instantly got to work.

'I don't mean to be a bother, but what are you doing exactly?' I had to question, curiosity got the better of me.

Banner looked up at me, who stood in front a scientific computer that was connected to a metal ball with glowing blue lights, radiating electricity to a weird looking gold thing and some other orange glow thing. 'I am trying to locate where the Tesseract is with a rough tracking algorithm that is based on cluster recognition to rule out a few places.'

I raised an eyebrow in both confusion and impressiveness. 'Sounds very scientific.'

Banner exposed his palms and slightly shrugged his shoulders. 'Well I am a scientist, physicist, and a medical doctor.'

I gave a side smile in fascination. 'Interesting.'

I decided to ask him many questions on what he was doing and what objects did and what they were called. I didn't even remember a single name or thing since every answer Banner gave was drowned in science jargon.

After examining what he was doing for a while, my legs became a little tired and I had grown bored. I went and retrieved the chair and my phone from my room, getting guidance from my guards.

When I came back, I set my chair out of the way and rested my legs.

Banner continued to work but questioned me. 'So who are those guys that follow you around? Are you some sort of a rage monster that can snap at any moment too?'

I giggled. 'No. I'm just some threat to the world at the moment. No one knows who I am and what I can do, but from what they've seen, I'm no average human. So Fury and Americas Department of Defence have agreed to keep me hostage while under surveillance and kept watch by those men. Only until Fury's found answers I can have my freedom if I'm not a major threat. And I know I'm not, but when they somehow get those answers I'm set free, I'll live just like humans do.'

I lent my elbows against my knees, holding my phone in both hands. 'They kept watch of me for a while, seeing what I'd do.' I chuckled. 'Then brought me here.'

Banner took his glasses off and had dropped his mouth a little, most likely shocked. 'You're just like me. You're - you're kept under constant watch because they never know if you'll snap at any moment and cause chaos. But trust me Rosalie, you'll never get to live like humans do and avoid anything that makes you turn green or, or do what you do. You know why, cause they always find you. No matter how isolated you make yourself, they keep coming back. They know exactly where you are but don't let you know that. They keep their distance until they want to lead you somewhere to say they need you.' Banner seemed exasperated.

I frowned. 'But I'm not some monster or magical human that would kill random people. What do you mean by turning green anyway?'

Banner shook his head. 'You'll find out one way or another.'

I looked to the ground, curious but knowing he didn't want to tell me. 'I guess I'll find out who I am one way or another too.'

I looked at Banner and questioned. 'So what's the go with this place. I understand you're finding this Tesseract thing, but what's the significance of it?'

Banner sighed, put his glasses back on and continued working. 'The Tesseract is admitting weak amounts of gamma radiation by which S.H.E.I.L.D wants me to trace since I know gamma radiation well and no one else can trace it. And if we don't find the Tesseract in time, the world could face a global catastrophe. The potential energy that the Tesseract can admit could wipe out the entire planet.'

I raised my eyebrows and widened my eyes in shock. 'Wipe out the planet?'

Banner nodded in response.

I rested a finger on my lips, looking in the distance in thought. The glass window at the opposite side to me looked out to the sky. It was night, so I had been here for a while. I suppose I woke up at a late hour and things happened since then.

Asgardian Goddess of Beauty and Battle (Book 1) *Currently Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now