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We were quickly approaching our destination, wherever that was. All crew in the back of the jet were prepared. I assumed they knew where we were headed, but I didn't.

We seemed to land at our destination in a few minutes. Loki climbed out, but the remaining did not follow him. However, my brain sent messages to my muscles, taking over them and forcing them to move and follow Loki's path.

We stepped off onto a large concrete area. It seemed to be high up in a tower as it overlooked New York.

I turned behind me to see the Quinjet taking off and flying away.

Turning back, I observed the view. 'It is quiet the place is it not? I live around here. A shame its about to be gloriously destroyed.'

I had spoken almost without my own thoughts, as if someone else was speaking and I couldn't stop my mouth from moving or my vocal folds projecting words without hesitation. It was as if I had all my senses, but my brain was stuffed with someone else's, taking over any movements in my body, like a puppet on strings. However, what I was doing and saying seemed right and correct, I just hadn't know where I was going or what I was to do. So, someone else had been in my brain, giving me directions and the correct movements. Telling me what to do as I obeyed.

Loki chuckled. 'Yes, but once my army defeat Midgard, all will kneel and be ruled.'

I smiled. 'Beautiful.'

In the corner of my eye, I could see Loki look at me and smile with approval.

I somewhat knew of Loki's plan of bringing the Chitauri army and ruling Midgard, but I didn't fully know his plan, and I was curious to know.

'Selvig has made a device that holds the Tesseract. Once it is activated, a portal to the Chitauri army will open up. They will destroy Midgard and I will rule them.' Loki explained as if he already knew my question.

A rocket sound came to my right. I looked over and up to see Iron Man fly his way over to protect his tower.

I rolled my eyes and informed Loki. 'Here comes company.'

Loki smirked. 'It's alright, I have a plan.'

Stark was hovering above the very top area of his tower. He was making conversation with someone. He lifted a hand and sent a blast firing towards something. A loud boom sounded throughout New York.

Iron Man had been pushed back a little. He looked down at Loki and I, descending to a circular balcony. As he landed and started walking, machines automatically began taking his suit off.

He continued to look our way as he walked across his balcony. He looked at me for a few seconds with worry but seemed to confirm something and almost roll his eyes. Loki and I turned around, continuing to stare back at him. We walked up the stairs and opened a glass door into Starks highest level, the penthouse. The heels on our shows tapped against the concrete floor as we walked.

As Loki entered he started the conversation. 'Please tell me you are going to appeal to my humanity?'

Tony was walking along a ramp and slightly turned to Loki. 'Ah, actually I'm planning to threaten you.'

Loki gave a light chuckle. 'You should've left your armour on for that.'

Stark looked down to the steps ahead of him. 'Yeah.' He began descending the stairs. 'It's seen a little mileage and you've got the uh, little stick of destiny.' Stark pointed to Loki's sceptre as he looked down at it, tilting it to observe it better and smiling at it's power.

Tony walked towards his bar to grab a glass. 'Would you like a drink?'

Loki stopped walking and moved his sceptre to the other hand.

Asgardian Goddess of Beauty and Battle (Book 1) *Currently Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now