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A/N - Writing this story has been both exhausting and exciting. There are times when I lose motivation and just don't want to do it, but for you guys, I push through that sometimes and continue writing. There are also times when I have so many ideas running through my mind and just can't get the story and words down quick enough.

Its been such a journey so far and I hope you are enjoying this story.

I'd be happy to hear any feedback and comments on how you think the story is travelling :).

I ran down every second step, desperate to escape. I zipped past a few Asgardians as I bolted up the stairs that joined the rainbow bridge.

The rainbow surface aggressively lit up to match my footwork. I was far from reaching Heimdall, but running seemed like the only relief to getting to him sooner.

I hadn't gotten far before I slowed to a walk. The next ten minutes was spent walking across the bridge.

When I reached the Bifrost, I stood at the entryway and stared at Heimdall.

He had his back on me, but he spoke, knowing I was present. 'You seem to be in a dilemma.'

Tears built up to blur my vision of Heimdall turning around.

I looked away and gently shook my head. 'I don't know what to do.'

I threw my hands up and looked back at Heimdall. 'What does one do in a situation such as this?'

I started slowly pacing in the entryway. I lent an elbow on my hip and stomach as I held up the other elbow. I rested my chin on my thumb and pointer finger in thought.

I began thinking out loud. 'Going back to earth would make me look stupid. I ran away from Shelly and James literally today. It's almost the end of the day and going back in the first day is just daft. I wanted to find my past and Eir might be able to help me with that, so going back to earth would put a hold on something I have my heart set on. This is also the only place that I feel I can find my past in and I've been suspected to originate from here so that just makes it more of a reason to stay.' I gripped the front of my hair and tightened with frustration. 'Why am I doing this in the first place?'

Heimdall tried to comfort me. 'Because you are confused. Loki has not made it easy for you lately, and you are facing the consequences now. I would advise that you stay here and sort things out for a while. Especially with what you just said, it seems as though you are destined to be here.'

Heimdall words made my decision making much easier. 'I just don't feel like I want to be where Loki is. I feel too angered by him and his affect on my life. It's just such a distraction to ones mind.' I stopped pacing and looked up at Heimdall through damp eyes. 'I think you are right. I should just stay here and maybe give it a chance. If nothing comes up, which one could say that is not true already, then I'll give it further thought.'

I sighed and shook my head. 'I just don't know his Shelly and James are taking this. I really hope they understand.'

Heimdall reassured me. 'They may not understand your sudden disappearance without a word, but they have seen what happened and are understanding your need to escape.'

I gave a weak smile. 'Thanks.'

I gracefully wiped my damp cheeks. 'I'm sorry for taking so much of your time.'

Heimdall shook his head. 'No need to apologise. I haven't seen a situation quite like this before, so you are forgiven.'

I smiled more fully and nodded at Heimdall at his words. I'm sure he knew that I meant thanks.

Asgardian Goddess of Beauty and Battle (Book 1) *Currently Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now