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The woman easily handed over her clothing after I had threatened her life. She was terrified.

I grabbed her arm unexpectedly. 'Tell me where I am and what that place is.' I pointed to the massive building that I had just escaped from.

The dark curly locks on her head shook like a leaf as she trembled in fear once again. I was sure to leave bruises on her arm, not that I truly cared. I needed answers.

She staggered. 'That would be a museum, and you're in the city of Manhattan, New York.'

I smirked. 'Sweet. Thanks.'

I let her arm drop but an idea popped into my head. 'Actually, I think I'll keep you. You know for answers to all my questions and for directions and stuff? Good idea.'

The woman's eyes nearly popped out of her head with fear. She rapidly shook her head in response to my demanding statement. I wasn't going to take a no for an answer.

I forcefully swapped clothes with her so that I could fit into the human race. I was surprised to find that the clothing she had fitted me well. They felt weird to wear, but it was better than standing out in the crowd. The black "jeans" they called them, felt so move restricting. That white "T-shirt", stupid name, felt so exposing. The denim " jacket" was a good cover up for that though. I felt less exposed to the eyes of the humans.

I had walked to the other side of the red object, opening the door and climbing in. The woman stared at me and did the same action's on her side. When I was comfortable and sitting in the leather seat, I turned my head to the woman, my golden hair falling in my face.

I frowned while looking at the interior of the red object. 'So what do you humans call this thing?' I waved a hand in gesture to the black leather covered interior.

Looking back at the frightened woman she stared and replied. 'This, this is called a car.'

I raised my eyebrows. 'Really? Fascinating. And what does a car do exactly?'

The woman finally moved her eyes elsewhere, landing them upon the museum. 'Well a car takes people places to where they want to go.'

So basically a horse that can carry multiple people. Got it.

She frowned for a second. 'What the hell am I doing. You're a stranger who clearly has lost their mind and I'm literally talking to you like its a common okay thing to do.'

She placed a hand to her forehead and rested her head.

I tried my best to comfort her. 'Well if it makes everything better I don't mean to cause harm.' Lie's. 'And I don't want to cause you much trouble.' Yet I don't care about a word I just said. 'But from what I recall, which is nothing, I don't have a clue as to where I am and how I managed to get here. I don't even know my own name. I had to figure that out myself by looking at a description, a very bland description in that fact, of who I am. I found hardly anything out, yet here you are and I'm going to make the most of your wonderful presence. I'm going to ask you the favour of providing me with as much answers as you can. Yet stupid me expects you to actually help someone who has indeed lost all memory of everything they once would've had. Like I've been asleep for 11,976 years for crying out loud. I have no idea what is going on.' I pleaded, holding my hands to my chest to show compassion. 'So please would you be ever so kind as to help me?'

The woman looked back at me. She sighed and dropped her hand into her lap.

Looking out the window she spoke to herself. 'I can't believe I'm doing this.' She let out a long sigh. 'Fine I'll help you, but first I'll need to get myself a change of clothes since you stole mine.'

Asgardian Goddess of Beauty and Battle (Book 1) *Currently Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now