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Two of Fury's men entered. They walked up to me with a key to unlock the chains. Once they all fell freely to the floor, the men grabbed my biceps and pulled me to stand. I obeyed, feeling a sense of stiffness in my joints and muscles. I gave them a small stretch before following my orders to move forward with the men.

We exited the room, walking through the area behind the mirror which you could see through in that side. We reached a hallway and turned right at its end. After walking past three doors, we stopped at the forth. Here, the men unlocked it with the press of a button. The door slid to the side and into the wall.

I watched as it disappeared. 'Fascinating.'

I looked at the men who looked at each other with confusion. I shrugged and entered the room. To my right was a bed, a small metal table with a silver jug and mug sat beside it. On the left wall was a small bench seat and a chair beside it. To the back of the room was a bathroom. The walls were made of a metal material that had rectangular holes in them. You could barely see what was in there but I could tell the basin was against the left corner since the door was open.

All rooms and hallways had the same colour in this place. Everything was made from metal, giving off a grey colour in every which way you looked. The bright white lights where the only thing that gave off a bit of enlightenment to the place.

I sat down on the bed, the men waited outside, standing guard of the door and keeping watch. One of them pressed a button that closed the door. It was a large door that had a window in it, which made me feel a little uneasy. I didn't enjoy knowing someone could watch me in the bathroom, not that you could see too much through the mesh material, but still.

I rose from the bed to examine the bathroom. Standing at the door, I saw a solid wall with a curtain to the right, which I assumed was the shower. On that wall were racks that hung a small hand towel and another full length one. A toilet was nestled between the basin and the shower wall.

I walked back to the bed and sat down again. I looked over to the seat, noticing some jewelry on top of clothing and a phone. I went over and picked up my phone, seeing a note beside it.

I picked it up and read:

"I thought you might need some familiar belongings.
- Nick Fury"

I thought that had been a very considerate thing for him to do, and I was glad for it. I set aside the note, jewelry, and phone and picked up the piece of clothing.

As it unfolded, I recognized that it was my white and gold dress. The one I had been in the museum with. I was kinda glad to see it again. I actually quite liked that dress and would wear it often if I didn't look so out of place amongst the humans.

I grabbed the jewelry and went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I stripped off my plain brown dress and replaced it with the other.

I stood in front the mirror. The gold material that wrapped around my waist went over my chest and my right shoulder, hanging loosely at the back to hang over and beside my left arm. The white fabric was pristine, layered at the skirt. The edges of each layer had an intricate gold swirl design. The last layer that grazed the floor had a solid gold hem. Each goal part shine beautifully.

I slipped on the thick gold bracelet, completing the look.

It was fabulous and had a sense of familiarity mixed with it belonging to someone else.

I examined my reflection for ten minutes, redoing my hair so it had been half up and half down, pulling a few strands to the front. The wisps framed my face and added a little extra to the hairstyle. I then decided to make it a bit more of an interesting hairstyle by braided a crown, a hairstyle that was called 'half up French crown braid'. It suited, and the hair wisps made it look finished off.

Asgardian Goddess of Beauty and Battle (Book 1) *Currently Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now