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No one in the room wanted to hear a word from Loki, especially not something such as that.

The green guy growled at his words, expressing his disapproval.

Natasha looked over to me, titling her head and observing my expression. She had a sort if curious and concerned look to her. I knew she was questioning whether I was still under the control of Loki.

I needed to reassure her that I wasn't, so I stood and left Loki to be in his own. I stood next to Tony who was on the end, turning to look down at Loki.

Natasha was on the other end if the group, holding the golden scepter that contained the mind stone. The bow man was in the centre at the front if the group, holding his bow in front of him, strung pulled back and aimed at Loki. The green monster stood at the back, anger clear in his expression. Steve and Thor stood either side of bow man. Thor to the left and looking down upon his brother with disapproval, holding his hammer like always. Steve had his serious face as usual.

I was glad to reunite with them.

However, that moment of standing with them was cut short when Tony broke the intense stare. 'Alright, game on it Steve. Now stand around posing up a storm later.' He began walking away. 'By the way, feel free to clean up.'

The avengers all dispersed, bow man headed to the bar for a drink as Natasha partly followed him.

She tapped the scepter in her hand. 'Who gets the uh, magic wand?'

Steve replied to Natasha. 'Strike team's coming to secure it.'

At that moment the elevator doors opened, revealing a group of people all dressed in black.

A bald man walked up to Natasha and took it from her. 'We can take that off your hands.'

'By all means.' Natasha handed it over and turned to grab a drink from the bar, bow man already doing so. 'Be careful with that thing.'

'Yeah, unless you want your mind erased. And not in a fun way.' Bow man added, handing Natasha a glass of water.

Another man took the scepter from the bald guy, placing it in a long case that appeared to be built for it, fit into it like a glove. 'We promise to be careful.'

The case was locked shut as Steve walked past them heading for the elevator. Thor had lifted Loki from the ground and chained his hands. They gathered to the side with the green monster, ready for their next step.

Steve announced. 'On my way down to coordinate search and rescue.'

With a swish of green, Loki shifted to become an exact replica of Steve.

Loki mocked him. 'On my way down to coordinate search and rescue.' He turned back into himself and faced Thor. 'I mean honestly, how do you keep your food down.'

Thor became annoyed with Loki and pulled something from behind him, flicking his wrist and lifting a hand to his brothers mouth.

He dropped his hand and left a muzzle to cover Loki's mouth. 'Shut up!'

After the Tesseract and Scepter were safely secure in their silver cases, we all headed for the elevator.

As we all piled in and squished together, the green monster attempted to enter, but as Tony placed the case in the floor and sat upon it, he looked up and held a hand out.

Thor did the same, standing. 'Woah! Woah, woah, woah!'

Tony explained. 'Hey! Hey! Buddy, what do you think? Maximum occupancy had been reached.'

Asgardian Goddess of Beauty and Battle (Book 1) *Currently Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now