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Shelly had been kind enough to lead me in the direction of almost complete independence. She was like a young mother to me and I was living with her as a roommate in her apartment. We were looking for a job for me at that time, since I needed to pay the rent as well, rather than living for free.

I was scrolling through the pages of google, finding a suitable job I could take on. An advertisement popped up. A frown formed as my attention was peaked and my mind recognised something. That building, it was extremely familiar.

I felt drawn to it like a magnet. My thumb made its way to the bottom of the screen, touching the smooth surface to indicate my want of the site in the advertisement.

The page slowly loaded, and only until it did was I shocked. I gasped at the sight of that too familiar museum of a building. The one I escaped from. It was the image of the news article, plastered across the top to show significance. I decided to read the article.

The headline stated, "Museum monument The Girl of Unknown has gone missing!"

I frowned and looked over into the small kitchen for Shelly. She was kindly preparing us lunch, yet I wondered. 'Shelly do you know about this article on me?'

Shelly paused, holding her knife on the chopping board to cut mushrooms for a pizza. She sighed, 'I did, ever since the first day we met a week ago. I went into the shopping centre and saw the advertisements that day and I was frustrated because I didn't know what to do, but I do now. I had to get a phone for you because there's no way I can keep you around for long.' She turned around and looked at me as she furrowed her eyebrows. 'If I keep you for too long I'll be arrested for "stealing" you basically. I'll be arrested because I kept you hidden and never returned a museum collection. They would've interviewed you or something right on the spot if you didn't meet me. Who knows, if they did catch you, you never would've learned much I guess. I just can't keep you here forever.'

I looked to the ground. 'I understand.'

As much as I didn't want that to be true, it was probably a most likely situation to occur. If I didn't meet Shelly, I would've been elsewhere and who knows, I could've been kept uneducated for ages. Shelly's decision was definitely for the best.

I read the article but nothing was new. It described who I was as much as they could and the escape was seen by cameras of course, yet they didn't know where I went. I was thankful for that, yet I knew they would find me eventually with the technology earth possessed.

I decided to research random things like why the sky is blue. Then I remembered the Sword of Unknown. I wanted to dive deeper into what they knew. The Gods from above, who were they? What did they think they were?

I was pleased to come to the conclusion that these gods were of Norse mythology. So much information was found in so many different articles. I was astounded. I gathered so much information that I was drawn away from my initial research topic about the sword. I discovered different Gods and things like Asgard, the place the Gods live in, and the Bifrost, their form of travel between the different realms since the King of Asgard was the ruler. It felt strange to read it all though. It felt as if those words were somehow familiar and linked to me in a way. Except I never accepted that feeling. My memories proved I was a nothing. I wanted to be human like the rest.

I also discovered that time passes differently to the realm of Midgardians, with which I found that from what my memory somehow told me, I was 950 years old in another realm, which meant I was 19 in human age. I planned to inform anyone who questioned my age in true human form.

Shelly had finished the pizza, she was an amazing cook, and so that ended my research. After I finished the last of my orange juice and the whole of my own pizza, as well as a few slices of Shelly's since I seemed to eat more than the average human, I decided to go on a lovely stroll around New York's Central Park.

Asgardian Goddess of Beauty and Battle (Book 1) *Currently Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now