So translation is done with the help of Google. So if any mistakes, do correct me :).
The maids brought food to the table. Parents are talking with each other about God knows what. I looked at Alessandro again, he is staring at me, god, this is uncomfortable.
He is probably 6"1', had brown colour hair, a bit grown till his neck. He looks like his father, having a hint of both blue and silver in his eyes. He had worn a black shirt, covering his muscled arms. I can see there are a few tattoos on his hands and neck. Fuck, he looks hot.
Then I look at the person next to him, he is quite similar to Alessandro, so that must be Matteo.
He is similar in height to Alessandro, same hair but shorter in length, and has blue eyes. He has also worn a black shirt and there were no tattoos visible.
He looked at me with a mischievous smirk. Oh, that reminds me of Chris, this is not good. I am in hell.
Vincent is sitting on the head table, on his right is his wife Georgia. Then Alessandro and then Matteo. On Vincent's left side was my uncle Angelo, mum, me and then Theo.
I was just eating. Nor me, Theo, Alessandro or Matteo were speaking. They both were still looking at me as if I was a specimen in a lab. Perverts.
"So Maria, tell us about yourself." Georgia says.
"Um...well, I have mastered a degree in business, currently work at our family business with Theo. I have other hobbies like painting and photography. Back home I have 2 best friends Josephine and Chris. I do love watching movies but I hate horror stories." I ramble.
"Well, that is great isn't it Alessandro?" She asks him.
"Hm." He is still looking at me and smirking.
That's all?! Georgia gave me an apologetic smile.
Then came the dessert. I was silent.
Georgia broke the silence. Again."So Maria, what do you think?"
What do I think! I think this is a stupid idea. Your son doesn't know what is personal space, by eyeing me constantly. He doesn't talk much, nor does he smile, I think his face is glued to smirk. Does he have a problem with me or something?
I wish I could speak that, but I decided not to.
"The dinner was delicious." I can't say what my subconscious wanted to.
"I hoped so, isn't she nice Alessandro?" She says to him.
"è piuttosto sottomessa e sembra sexy, quindi non ho problemi con il matrimonio." He said and leans back in the chair. (she is quite submissive and looks hot, so I have no problem with the wedding.)
Angelo choked on his drink, cause I know he knows I know. Mum and Theo look clueless, Alessandro's parents looked taken aback and I just glare at him.
Then his brother spoke.
"questo è vero, hai avuto fortuna fratello, strada da percorrere!" With a chuckle. (that is true, you got lucky brother, way to go!)
"Alessandro e Matteo, non è così che parli dei nostri ospiti. Li rispetterai." Georgia said glaring at them. (Alessandro and Matteo! this is not the way you speak about our guests. You will respect them.)
"Ha ragione lo sai. questo non è il modo di trattare i nostri ospiti." their father scolds them. (She is right you know. That is no way to treat our guests.)
Mother and Theo look at them confused. I just look back to Alessandro from Vincent.
"Why don't you tell us something about you?" My mother says to Alessandro.
"I am a busy man, I leave the house early and come home late. I do move around a lot. I have only one hobby that is trading." He says in the most monotone way.
I guess I will probably have a boring husband.
The maids came in the dining room to take the plates back when while holding my plate, it falls on my lap and then crashes down on the floor leaving a stain on my dress. Everyone gasps.
She looked panicked.
"Mi dispiace così tanto, signorina. Non intendevo questo, ti prego perdonami. Non accadrà di nuovo-" she rambled. (I am so sorry miss. I-I didn't mean that, please forgive me. It won't happen again-"
I just looked at her with soft eyes and said.
"va bene. nessuno si è fatto male e la macchia andrà via, quindi non preoccuparti." I say reassuringly. (it's ok. no one got hurt and the stain will go away, so don't worry.)
Then she excused herself and I look back to the Romano family, who were shocked. Uncle Angelo looked as if he will start laughing any time.
Cause he knows I speak Italian. My family knows about this and maybe that's why they are sending me away from California.
Alessandro and Matteo had 'what the fuck' expressions on their faces.
"What?" I ask him.
"You speak Italian, I didn't know that." Alessandro said.
"Well there are a lot of things you don't know about me, but yes I do speak Italian."
And he just smirks.
God, I want to smack that smirk off his face.
Another update.Hope you liked the chapter.
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Happy reading :)
XXHappy reading :)

|| Disguised Sins ||
General FictionEarlier known as Devil In Disguise!! "Has anyone ever kissed you, Maria?" He said with a low voice. Well, that got my attention. I was unable to say anything. His one hand slowly moved from my thigh to my neck with a firm grip but not enough to cut...