Jealousy is an ugly trait

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Wow.. he’s actually here? I’m dead excited Hunters here permanently remind me to talk father dearest and Annabelle later.

Hunters been chatting away too the guys except for Greyson he’s being a bit to quiet since Hunter arrived.. weird?

“Carly… hello?.. earth to Carlyyyy” I snapped my head up to meet Aaron’s gaze “huh?”

The guys just laughed? Whats that about..“You’ve been zoning out again haven’t you sis?” Aaron asked,

“Y-yeah I guess so, why whats up?” I asked him

Jayden spoke up this time “We were wondering if we could take Hunt here out with us tonight?” with us? Where were we going?

“ummmm” I said confused

Jayden laughed “Geez sis, stop zoning! We all agreed to go for pizza” he told me.. we agreed? I taught we were ordering?

“umm you guys go ahead I’m going to stay in” I said

Hunter scratched the back of his neck “uh you sure princess? I mean I could stay here too you no?” he said quietly

I giggled “nah go ahead H, I can look after myself and besides you need guy friends too” I told him

“well.. lets go” Aaron said

“Actually you guys ill stay here with Carly, don’t want to leave her on her own you’s go ahead and ill see you’s when you’s get back k?” Greyson spoke up.

They all just nodded and left

“Why did you stay here Grey?” I asked quietly I mean why would he stay here with me? He never use too..

“Well couldn’t leave you alone now could i?” he said smugly

“I can take care of myself you know!” I snapped. He didn’t say anything else we sat in an uncomfortable silence I decided to end it

“umm sorry.. for.. err snapping I didn’t mean it” I said shyly

“It’s okay Cj, don’t sweat it…so…. You and Hunter hmm?” he asked

“umm what about me and Hunter?” I asked with a smirk to say he looked annoyed would be an understatement heh heh ..

“How long?!” he demanded how long? How long what huh?

“what do you mean how long?” I asked

His jaw was clenched shut he was clenching and unclenching his fists what the hell crawled up his ass and died?

“Don’t act stupid Carly-Jay!” he snarled at me.. wow he must be pissed calling me by my full name

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