ch:49-well bitches this dog bites

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Darkness, darkness is what I'm surrounded in.

What do I feel? Fear! Will I let it show? No.. Why ? Because I grew up with brothers who along the way thought me tips and tricks.

I'm terrified, quaking on the inside. Fearing for Hunter's life. Ryan fake dying destroyed him imagine how he would be if he really died.

I hear mumbling but my body is too out of sorts to even comprehend what there trying to say.

I just want Hunter.. I want Greyson to hold me and tell me it'll be okay.

That'll never happen..

I hear them coming closer, "Make sure the chain is tightened" I hear someone snap out

I slowly open my heavy eyes, met by blurry figures.

"Ari?" I groan out hoping it's my brothers playing a great prank.

"Ah so the sleeping beauty awakens" A loud voice speaks out

"Aye zip it buddy you speak to loud" I groan out finally opening my eyes to be met by piercing green eyes I jerk back in shock 

"Wow never hear of personal space" I snap out glancing around me. I'm in a cage, a fucking cage!

My ankle strapped too a big metal chain.

I'm like a dog, well bitches this dog bites.

I hear a boyish laugh and I look at him funny. he notices.

"Oh where are my manners, the name is Tyler-Jay. TJ for short and you are who my lady?" he says in a country accent which causes me to laugh slightly

"Funny, the name kind sir is Carly-Jay, nicknamed CJ or Crash for short" I say chuckling

"So what you in for?" I ask seriously.

"I'm a pawn, a chestpiece to the jigsaw puzzle" He says sadly I then notice his bruises, he looks like a worn down soldier.

"Cheer up soldier, we will win this war" I say smiling

"I've tried for many months" he says

I ask him about himself, he's 17 from Anna's place. Single, no family except a sister. He's merely classed as a runaway.

"Well TJ we start by plan a, which is getting the wrong attention from the right people" I said smugly

"How?" He asks scaredly.

"Watch and learn. Now please cover your ears" I say and he looks confused I raise and eyebrow and he does it I close my eyes and let out an ear piercing scream.

Within seconds I hear footsteps I lie down and start to shift almost like I'm having another night terror.

"Carlton man she looks like she's fitting" Someone says scaredly

"She's having a night terror, only that damn kid Hunter can stop them. Let it ride out she will be fine" Carlton grunts

I scream again, louder this time.

They rush into the cage Carlton grunts out to leave us. I open one eye and see the gaurds are gone he's hovering over me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask in horror

He looks alarmed. I smile like the devil at him before shouting.

"John , John please help me" I scream louder hearing his heavy footstephs, Carlton is frozen above me.

"Told you your going to regret this" I whisper as the doors fly open revealing a very angry John.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He growls out tackling Carlton as the begin to wrestle it out. TJ looks horrified.

The end of result is Carlton been dragged away.

John comes back moments later, "Are you okay" He asks I nod at him

"I am sorry" he whispers with a look of regret and leaves.

I wait moments to make sure he has left. Tears falling silently down my cheek.

"Are you okay?" TJ asks quietly I simply nod.

"Plan A is complete as promised, now for the next phrase" I whisper holding onto the hope that Greyson and Hunter and my brothers will find me or at most Damon will.

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