My guardian angel Hunter Blake

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Home.. What does home mean to you? Warmth, safety, family, friends, material things?

Home to most people is filled with the things you love, the people you love, people who love you. Fathers, Mothers, Siblings. Home is a place where you feel safety, warmth, love and many other things.

What will happen to the warmth I feel when he returns, will I still feel loved and full of safety? Doubt it. He broke me once so bad to that I was nearly at the point of no return till my savior swooped in and protected me, cleaned my wounds, tended to my every wim and build my strength and confidence back up. He fought so hard for me to believe in myself and others again.

He helped me 4 times when I tried to kill myself, yep kill myself I tried so hard to commit suicide that it almost worked till he swooped in and saved me. He had many sleepless nights because of me, I treated him so badly and he still came back he still saved me he’s like family but most of all he never left.

My guardian angel Hunter Blake, the one I would gladly hand my life over to and know it would be safe and loved, I’d give him my everything to protect him and repay him for all the good he has caused in my life. He promised to protect me, promise to save me every chance he could but most of all he promised to never leave.

I’m beyond terrified at what’s to come when they release Troy. You see Hunter double crossed him, Hunter took the one thing that Troy wanted to keep so badly that Troy never wanted to lose. He took me. Yep you guessed it Hunter saved my ass so did Jase and Lucas, but Hunter was the one I was glued to.

Troy will destroy him, he will kill him and he won’t think twice at doing it infront of me as payback for leaving him.

So, as of now I’m currently sitting on one of the many balconies we have in our household and I’m staring at the star filled night thinking. Thinking how do I protect my family, friends and everybody I love from the maniac that I wanted to get so badly away from. And the only solutions I can come up with is

One: Run far away, alone. Away from everyone I love.

And two: Find Troy before he finds me.

Just the matter of choosing which one. Which one would you choose? I’d gladly hand my life over for the ones I love.

“Knock knock” A soft males voice says snapping me out of my depressive thoughts

“Made if I come out?” The voice asks I look up and smile a little

“Sure, come on out” I say and he comes out and sits beside me

“You okay Cj?” he asks

“Yeah, this is just my thinking place. I kind of got lost in my thoughts” I say and he chuckles softly

“You must be freezing.. Here take this” he says handing me his jacket

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