I Love You Forever

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(A/N - Starts off as a dream.. This chapter contains Voilence and a rape scene, the rape part will take part after you see the stars --> ***<--- so read past it if you's dont want to read it, I wish to not cause offence or anything to people by writing it)

“There you are sweetheart, where have you being?” he asked me

“I..I.. I was just at Annabelle’s, she made me stay for dinner be..before I could leave to see you” I said to him stuttering slightly

“Are you lying to me!” he snapped at me, I hated when he was like this he was drugged up on his drugs that he supplies. We were currently in his bedroom he tends to get angry a lot and is quite possessive in a horrible way but I could never leave him I was terrified to

“No, of course not” I said quietly and he slapped me and I fell to the floor with the sheer force of his hit

“Your lying, you whore! You were with that Hunter kid weren’t you” he screamed at me while hitting me again

“N..No I was I swear I haven’t seen H since you told me I’m not allowed” I said trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill out

“H? That what you call him! Your MINE sweetheart, do you understand that your always going to be mine and mine only” He growled while slapping and kicking me

“I.. I understand Troy I’m yours always” I whispered as tears spilled from my eyes he dragged me by the hair up from the floor and threw me onto the bed I knew what was coming next

“I’ll show you who you belong to!” he growled

“please Troy, not tonight please” I begged and pleaded crying he flipped me over so that I was lying on my stomach and he went to his special draw as he calls it I turned my head to see him taking out a craving knife he then reached over and strapped my arms into the restraints on the bed and did the same on my legs

He crawled on top of me kissing my neck right down my back

“Tell me you love me” He said

“I Love You” I said instantly, not meaning it but it became a regular thing

“SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT” he shouted

“I Love You Forever Troy Dalton, always yours” I stated loudly and that’s when I felt the craving knife grazing into my skin deep enough I held back the scream of pain he was finished in maybe a half hour or more?

“There you go sweetheart, forever bearing my mark permanently always mine” he whispered in my ear while kissing my neck I held back the shudder  he released the restraints on my bed and flipped me back on my back while crawling to lay on top of me again

He kissed my neck and brought his lips to mine I tried not to get sick while I kissed him back he squeezed my sides causing me to yelp and he took the opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth and then he sat up and ripped my clothes off my body leaving me in my bra and panties he then got off the bed and walked to the bedroom door shouting something down to one of his idiot men downstairs

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