Promise to never leave me?

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Gym class, a lot of people hate gym class. They moan, groan and complain about going. Me? I love gym class well at least I did..

I loved gym class until the day Coach Assistant Alexander Ryan arrived.

Alexander.. Alexander..  Alex fucking ander Ryan! Oh how I want to stab him with a fork.. in the eye!

Why do I hate him you say? What could he have possibly done to make me hate him so bad… It all started not that long ago, well actually it started a few days ago when I brought my beloved boyfriend out on a date to the art gallery he’s been dying to go to since forever. The bastard Alexander hit on him infront of me.

Now my quiet, shy fragile boyfriend punch him square in the face sending him sprawled out to the floor and as a result he’s sporting a massive shiner. Quite proud of my Devvy!

The thing that pisses me off is the creeper scale is going way overboard! I notice how coach has been watching not only my boyfriend but also Carly. Maybe he wants them both? I mean not only are the triplets but Carly is pretty hot and wild for a girl but that’s the outing she puts on the front of been the crazy fearless chic when in reality she’s terrified. But damn the prick looks firmilar ugh!

This Alexander bloke is a massive creep, not only is his muscles huge and his dark hair but he just looks like a down right perverted horrible evil bas-

“Hunter?” Devvy says snapping me out of my thought

“Huh” I say dazed

He chuckles, “Were here, you getting out of your car or not?” he says I glance up and notice that we are indeed at his house wow I must have been so out of my thoughts.

“Yeah sorry” I see Greyson entering the house before us.

As we get closer to the door we here shouting causing Devin to stiffen beside me and clutch my arm tightly I bite back a groan of hurt

“You’re a selfish bastard David you know that! All I ever did was be there to pick up the damn pieces” I hear Devins mom scream ouch man that chic can screech.

“How is choosing my kids over you selfish? Face it Isabella the kids comes first, they should come first to both of us” I hear David say angered.

“There nothing but idiotic selfish brats David! Open your fucking eyes! Annabelle is doing crap, your sons Aaron and Jayden are practically whores! There just short of a payment, Jades a slut who throws herself at guys and then crys rape, Sam is a lovestruck fool, Carly is a downright selfish tramp a good for nothing brat and don’t even start me on Devin he’s nothing but a whinny bastard and not to mention a faggot! Then there’s the only normal child around here is Caitlyn” Isabella screams I feel my anger boiling and notice Devin stiffen even more I see his eyes glistening with tears

I wrap my arms around his waist from behind and whisper in his ear “come on lets get you upstairs and to the shower baby” I say and he shivers and he nods we get upstairs and he stops just before we reach Carlys room

“Can you go check on Carly? I just want to shower real quick” He says low

“Are you sure?” I ask him and he fakes a smile and nods yes he kisses me gently and hurries off to his room.

As I near Carly’s room I hear Greyson shout her name

I rush to the door of her room as I hear telling her it’ll be okay I notice she has her head buried in his chest

“When will it end?” Carly asks him as I wrap my arms around her Greyson nods a thankful greeting

“It’s okay princess, where here to help” I tell her as Greyson takes her hand in his

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