Ch:42 - you complete me, you changed me I love you

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Have you ever had a moment in life where you wish you could go back in time and erase a few things or better yet re do them?

I have, I'm currently having that moment now as I lay here suffering in dire agony as his blade slides freshly through my soft tanned skin.

I feel numb inside mainly because of the fact I'm watching his lifeless body lay on the cold floor bleeding out. How can one be so cruel in life?

I begged him to stop to take me instead, but no he hurt me by taking him. He just had to play the hero and in return heroes die.

They just save someone so many times before tragedy strikes and takes them leaving the people who love them behind.

I bet your wondering what I'm talking about maybe I should rewind too two weeks ago where all the fights, the make-ups, break-ups, secrets told and tragedy strikes.

2 weeks earlier

Day one:

"Carly" I hear Greyson yell as I shot up from the bed scared, Hunter where is he I let out a loud scream terrified

"Hunter" I cry out, the dream was so real I hear mumbling as I rock myself in the corner of the room. What felt like hours could have only being minutes my knight in shining armour burst through the door.

"Cj" he whispers as I throw myself on him clinging tightly too him as he soothes me.

"I want to leave please" I whisper beg as he picks me up and carries me through the house to his car to were a worried Devin is.

"you okay?" Devin asks I don't say anything except stare. Something bad was going to happen I could feel it.

I reach for my phone when I'm home and I text Greyson too come over to talk.

I must of falling asleep because next thing I know is the bed shifts and strong arms wrap around me

I stay pretending to be asleep as Greyson whispers

"Carls you awake?" he asks he's greeted with silence he sighs heavily

"Oh baby I never meant too hurt you, I swear to you it wasn't as it seems with her I was practicing what to say to you when I proved how much I love you CJ heck I even wanted to ask you too marry me tonight I'm nothing without you baby and I'm going to tell you this when you wake up and everyday from now on you complete me, you changed me I love you" he whispers as my heart beats widely I kiss him

"Your a dork, I love you" I whisper

"I'll make it up too you just don't leave me" he says shakily

"We'll get through it okay" I whisper snuggling into him

The next morning I got up early, Greyson still asleep I sighed to myself and got out of bed and went for a walk to the beech I sat on the rocks just looking at the calm ocean.

I felt someone sit beside me and was shocked too see who it was, Sophia.

"If your here to gloat please leave I want to enjoy my morning" I say to her as I glance at her

"No I'm um here to talk" she says taking in a deep breath

"So talk" I say

"Look Carly, theres something you should know" she says and that's when she turns to me and I gasp her face, bruised with slight stitching to her cheek. I've seen this mark before

"What happened ?" I ask and she looks away

"I protected a friend, who wouldn't class me as a friend anymore" She whispers

"Who?" I asked confused and she looks at me sadly

"You, Carly I protected you." she says

Before I could ask her what she meant she continued

"I overheard some conversation about couch, he was talking to some girl she called him Ryan and said something like John was coming to get you so I played dumb and realised Candice was been forced to things they tried to make me do some stuff and in return when I refused I got this. I needed to help you Carly don't ask why okay, I need my friend back I'm not this slutty girl I just want to be loved" She says crying out then whispers her dad left her and her sister alone.

I cradle her as she lays her head on my lap I'm terrified John found me and Ryan could it be Hunter's Ryan? No impossible.

"Sophia, what else you know about John?" I whisper she looks at me sacredly

"I know he's scary, they have some girl Katie held captive she was the one who told me to tell you about John she said to tell you get Lucas or something" She says and I freeze up

"I gotta go" I say and I get up and run back home bursting through the door

"Carly" My brothers call I run passed Greyson and up the back stairs I hear my brother's follow me I reach Devins door and bang it down

A sleepy Devin opens it "mmm?" he says tiredly

I push passed him to find an empty room my heart beats wildly

"Where's Hunter?" I snap

"Home I think why?" Devin says sleepily and confused I push passed everyone as I look for my car keys panicking as my brothers fire questions at me Greyson gives me my keys and drives me to Hunter's house I reach the house and see the door pushed open slightly.

Like the start of a horror movie, I shush Greyson as I enter the house hearing noise from the kitchen. I reach for the kitchen and breath a sigh of relief.

"Momma Blake" I whisper in relief

she jumps startled and smiles

"BabyG" she says holding her arms open for a hug which I gladly greet her with. She notices Greyson and cocks and eyebrow

"You must be Greyson, have a seat we need to talk" she says to him and he gulps



Quick update. More updates this week I promise.

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