CH:44-shock of my life

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I sat down on the filthy chair, questioning where running through my head I don't know where to begin all I want to do is punch this idiot infront of me. How dare he even think to try and come between me and Devin.

Speaking of Devin seeing him look so hurt and fragile made my heart twist and turn my baby. The love of my life, Ryan was my past and Devin is the present and by god he will be my future to.

Ryan cleared his throat causing me to snap my head up and glare at him.

"I'll start from the beginning" he said awkwardly I could only nod not trusting the vemon that would seep through my words.

"That day Troy almost killed me, after you's left John picked me up he heard me still breathing barely and promised to take care of me he brought me to a hospital out of town and stayed with me I needed the plastic surgery babe I was in a bad way" he started and I cut him off

"Do not call me babe" I growled out and he looked shocked he was about to speak when I cut across him

"You let me believe you were dead, I locked myself away in a dark room thinking you where gone Carly tried everything to help and so did Katie. When I finally left the room I started sleeping on your fucking grave! How sad is that aye the pathetic fag crying over someone who was off living the life aye. You see that beautiful boy that you tried to take me from, he is my life he is the reason I'm breathing he's my happiness" I snapped I watched as Ryan's eyes pooled with tears.

Did I feel guilty? Definately

Did I care? Kind of

Will I show it? No

"I'm sorry I was selfish but you don't understand I owe John my life Hunter if I don't give him what he wants you will die. Are you willing for that to happen?" he asked quietly

"If it means protecting my loved ones then yes I bloody am"

"I can't do this I need Devin" I grumbled to myself sighing with exhaustion

Ryan nodded and motioned to the door I stepped around him heading out the door as I exited the building the first thing I noticed was Devins heartbroken look on his beautiful face which caused me to frown. I shook my head and began walking to him I just need to feel him in my arms to have him close to me.

I cleared my throat causing Devins head to snap to mine so many emotions where going through his beautiful eyes he looked unsure causing me to roll my eyes and pull him to me making him lean into me more as I held him tightly.

"I thought i'd lose you" He mumbled sounding heartbroken I immediately pulled away from him to look at his face as tears silently fell down I wiped them away with my tumb I smiled slightly at him.

"Babe, why would you lose me?" I asked and he glanced at Carly then back to the building I knew what he meant he was afraid I'd run off into the sunset with Ryan.

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