Where would I be without him in my life? Probably dead.

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I lay on my bed thinking of today’s events

What the hell was that mark on her back. Who the hell is this Troy guy and why did he do this to her?! Who would want to mark that gorgeous body?! Wait isn’t Troy an ex from Annabelle’s? I knew there was more to that bullshit story the other day.

Seen her looking so lost and vulnerable really hurt me I felt my chest tighten in pain. Who would hurt my Carly-jay my perfect angel, the sarcastic crazy closed off angel.

I hate seen her like this and when she ran off all I wanted to do was run after her beg her to tell me what happened her and who and why that mark happened?

God I love her so much why am I such an ass to her and always screwing things up? Will she ever want me as I want her? Doubt it.

I rang Aaron asking him was she home yet it’s 10 p.m and he told me no but he has filled Jayden in on what happened he said  Hunter texted Jayden to let him know he has Carly and she’s staying in his tonight sighing I hung up the phone

Tossing and turning trying to sleep. Nothings working I just need to know she’s okay taking my phone out I take the chance in texting her.

Hey, I know you said you haven’t forgiven me yet but I just need to know your okay after today? Do you need anything. Please text me back even if it’s to let me know your okay? – Greyson. Xx


I hit send now to wait… and wait.. and wait.. 10 minutes later I get a message from her

I’m fine Greyson. Talk to you later. Goodnight –Carly


Even a couple of words in a message has me grinning like an idiot

Okay, thanks. Sweetdreams and goodnight Carly. – Greyson xx


Sent. My phone vibrates a couple seconds later grinning thinking it’s Carly then the grin turns to a scowl at seen the caller i.d sighing I answer

“What” I say snapping

“Is that anyway to talk to me?” She purrs

“What d’ya want Sophia?” I snap

“Wanna come over handsome?” she purrs sending creepy shivers down my back

“Em… let me think… NO” I snap

“Come on Greygrey” she says

“It’s Greyson and no ive told you. Leave me alone Sophia” I tell her

“Why Greyson everyone knows you want me” she says want her? Yeah she’s right I do want her…. Want to punch her in the face!

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