ch:55- I'll always protect you

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"Are you sure you'll be okay? " Greyson asks while feeding Thea

"ill be fine plus Jade is going to stay with me for the week you guys are away" I say putting Theo down in his crib

"I can cancel and say I'm sick or that you need a hand with the children " he says as he finishes feeding our daughter.

"I will be fine no actually we will be fine" I say picking Thea up from his arms putting her in the crib next to Theo.

I feel strong arms wrap around me and snuggle in as Greyson takes a deep breath resting his chin on my shoulder.

"We actually did it" I whisper turning to face him. I place my hand on his cheek as he looks down at me.

"We have made it through alot of struggles, ups and downs, babies and marriage. And here we are now. I'm lucky that I met you I'm lucky to be here and all because of you Greyson." I whisper he smiles brightly

"I wouldn't change it for a second. I made you a promise and even now I intend to keep it" he says leaning down

"which promise might that be?" I ask in a whisper as he leans closer

"you honestly forgot?" he asks with a smirk I nod closing my eyes as he inches closer to my face. I feel his lips just about to touch mine before he whispers

"I promise I'll always protect you" he whispers before capturing my soft lips with his own rough lips. He licks my bottom for entrance and I gladly give it to him.

He picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and we reach the door before we pull apart at the sound of a baby cry. I lean my head against his and groan he chuckles and places me down.

"go on in to bed. You need rest for your week away" I say pushing him out the door. I walk over to the crib and pick up Theo.

hushing and soothing him so he doesn't wake up his sister. He snuggles into me and falls back soundly asleep. I look down at his tiny frame and smile. My baby boy.

After a while I place him down in his crib and silently close over the door not before making sure the monitor is on. I proceed to the bedroom where my husband lay, my very naked husband.

He's lying in our bed watching the monitor I grin as I realise he has been watching me and his son. I crawl in next to him.

"comfortable? " I ask and he nods giving me his full attention he kisses me and pushes me back removing my clothes.

The next day. .

"Have you got everything?" I ask as he places the last bag down at the door.

"Everything but you guys" he says sadly I smile softly as he makes funny faces to the children making them laugh.

I glance at my phone yet again. I only got off it with dad, him and mom still haven't heard anything about Caitlyn. It scares me.

I'll always protect youWhere stories live. Discover now