Carly-Jay is coming for them Liam Neeson style

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“Carly, Carly why? Why did you run and leave me behind?” A soft voice whispers in the distant

I glance around looking for the voice but all I can see is a field, not just any plain old field but this field is beautiful. It’s in a huge clearing surrounded by trees so full of leafs the field is covered in beautiful flowers, lilies and roses and plenty of more.

In the distance I notice a girl she’s familiar looking but I can’t make who it is from the distance. Her long blonde hair looks a tangled mess and her skin is deathly pale.

“Why Carly?” she says

“Who are you?” I ask confused. Where the hell am I? This is like a scene from twilight, where Bella is running from that vamp.

“You know who I am Carly” she says clearly I don’t oh my god is she a vampire? Is this my own twilight where she wants to eat me but I get a hot werewolf to save my ass as I high tail out of here? Hmmm

“I don’t know who you are? Why am I here” I say

“I’ve called for you to be here. To find out answers” she says

“What answers? Answers to what?” I say

“Why did you leave?” she asks leave where?

“Leave where?” I ask

“You know where” she scream

She doesn’t give me a chance to reply as she starts talking again coming closer

“I’m here because of you! I’m dying because of you, you did this when you ran you did this to me, to Lucas. All because John wanted you but because he couldn’t have you he chose me” she whimpers as she gets closer I’m shocked to the core.

My very close friend Katie, Lucas’s girlfriend. The crazy blonde bomb shell a mess because of me. As she’s standing directly infront of me I notice bruising on her arms, her long white shirt seeping with red splatters and a huge red stain near her side. I did this? I caused this?

“Katie?” I whisper in disbelief and she laughs a bitter laugh at me

“yup, you happy now Carly? Huh, you happy at the pain you’ve caused me, my family and Lu..Lu..Lucas?” she screeches sobbing at the name of Lucas.

“I’m sorry Katie, I didn’t do this I swear I’m sorry” I say and she begins to walk away

“Katie where are you going?” I call out but she keeps on walking so I do the only thing I know and follow her I notice the change in the scenery it’s more cold, chilling in the air and we are in a graveyard

“This is where I stop” she mumbles and I glance down at the headstone infront of me

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