Chapter 10:Day from hell

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Carly-Jay's P.O.V:

I woke up earlier than usual so I decided to get ready for my shower, I’ve an uneasy feeling in my gut I just ignore it and shower and get change I do my hair and head down stairs from breakfast. Dad is n the kitchen cooking already.

“Morning Daddy” I say to him

“Morning chicken” he replies kissing the side of my head

“What’s for breakfast?” I ask him

“Chocolate chip pancakes hunnie” he tells me as my brothers and Jade join us for breakfast after we eat we all head out to our cars I just stand there staring at my car Jade must of noticed as she startles me by talking

“You okay Cj?” Jade asks me

“Yeah just bit tired I guess” I tell her while shrugging my shoulders

“Oh okay then see you later I guess” she says while heading to her car

I hop into my car and drive off to school I’m parked outside just staring blankly ahead, that uneasy feeling is starting again I feel sick I jump as someone bangs on my window I open my car door

“Jeez Hunter becareful, I don’t need a heart attack just yet” I say chuckling he grabs me into a hug

“You okay princess?” he asks I nod as he laces his fingers with mine dragging me into the school babbling on about how happy he is that I approve of him and Dev I’m giggling not paying attention when I walk straight into a hard chest and go flying

“hmph” I say

“We have got to stop meeting like this sunshine” the voice says I look up and low and behold Greyson Toretto

“Stop walking into me” I tell him as Hunter helps me up we start to walk off when Greyson grabs hold of me pulling him to me

“You no you love it darling” he whispers I push him off me

“Get over yourself Toretto” I tell him walking off he can be an ass at times seriously.

Sitting in 3rd period English Sam is sitting beside me staring off into space I’m doodling on my note pad pretty bored waiting for the bell to ring for lunch I’m starving.

Finally the bell rings and I’m heading off to lunch I get to the cafeteria and pay for my lunch heading to my now usual lunch table I notice Aaron and the rest of my siblings aren’t here I just about reach my table when a foot sticks out in my way causing me to trip sending my lunch tray flying out of my grasp and me flying out the whole cafeteria burst out laughing and various comments saying

“Oh my god look at what happened”

“I bet she’ll pay for that”

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