The Hearts Saga!!/ Part 2

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We cut to Team L/n standing out in the Middle of Cell's Arena as they all Had A Major Budget Increase, and were all ready to Take on Godslayer Hearts and Defeat him once and For all, so By god they were going to wreck his shit!

Cell: "Alright everyone I gave us All A 70% Budget Increase so We're definitely going to win this!"

Kermit: "We're all gonna die."

Math: "DUDE!"

Kermit: "What? We are! We Barely Trained for like 5 Minutes!"

Slick: "Yeah, and I look like... A High-Quality piece of Doodoo Butter!"

Vegeta: "Fuck you! I look Amazing."

Y/n: "So if we all get A 70% Budget Increase does this mean We're all 70% stronger?"

Cell: "Yes."

Y/n: "Oh Good because I think Math and Ben Reeeeaaaalllly need it."

Math/Ben: "DUDE!"

Y/n: "What? Your probably not gonna survive!"

Cell: "Alright, Everyone Latch onto Y/n and Slick's stupid ass Faces, and LETS ACE THIS FUCKER!!"

Y/n: "Okay, You can at least say Please!"

Vegeta: "And everyone Remember: I look beautiful."

Izuku: "We'll Remember That Vegeta."

Cooler: "Let's Just go. Where's Shallot?"

Just then Shallot shows up!

Shallot: "Sorry, Forgot my Wallet! It has my kitten Photos! Let's go!"

Y/n: "Right."

A Little Bit Later!

You had All Arrived at An Alien world near the edge of the Universe, and soon you all felt the massive Presence that shakes the entire Planet and Vegeta gritted his teeth in Anger!

Vegeta: "Damnit, He's already has fused with the Universe Shard! Now he has the power of A Universe within him! We're too late!"



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Kermit: "Well Shit We're Dead..."

Shallot: "Wait, Aren't we all strong enough to take him on together?"

Math: "Wait, He's right! Maybe we can-!"

Hearts: "HEY! Have any of you seen Any gods around here?"

Cell: "Shit! He's noticed us!"

Y/n: "Okay Look everyone, if we all work together and fight him maybe we can-!"


Vegeta then Becomes A SSJ And Attacks Hearts with A Kick to the Face but not even A Scratch was made as Hearts smiled!

Hearts: "Huh? I guess you the first to Die."

Vegeta was then sent flying past all of you, and into A Nearby mountain Blowing it up as Vegeta Staggered!

Vegeta: "Uuuugh... He's apparently strong enough to take on A Super Saiyan..."

Shallot: "Well If you wanna do this the Saiyan Way... You better do it at Max Super Saiyan. HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"

Shallot then goes SSJ3 And then Fires his Most powerful Attack!


He then Fires two Massive Pink Blasts Pointblank at Hearts and he smiled as seemingly nothing was left until A Fist grabbed his throat and Hearts smiled!

Hearts: "Oh, That's cute."

Shallot was then sent flying into Vegeta as he exploded as well!

Shallot: "Apparently he can handle SSJ3..."


Cooler: "Cell, Let's Take him On together!"

Cell: "Oh God, I hate this form But Sure..."

Cell then turns Golden and they both strike Hearts but he grabs them both and he throws them to the ground!

Cell: "Well so much for working together..."

Cooler: "Oh shut up..."

Kermit: "Well, Shit! I was right! We're all going to die!"

Izuku: "Wait! Y/n what about fusion?"

Y/n: "Wait, That's A Good Idea! Guys Hold them off While we do the Fusion Dance!"

Math/Ben/Kermit: "Right!"

Then This Happens...

Ben: "Are you Done Yet..."

Y/n: "Yep! HEY, HEARTS!"

Hearts: "What?"

Y/n: "Watch this!"

Y/n/Izuku: "Fuuuuuuuussssssssiiiiiiioooooooon~~~~ HA!!"

The two ten Fused together, into A Mix of Blue and Red Lights that then fused into A Bright white light, and soon Out of the Light Came out the Fusion of Y/n and Izuku... F/n!!

F/n: "Hahahahahaha!! Now You're going to get it Hearts!!"

Hearts: "So you were one of the Gods I was looking to Kill."

F/n: "Well, My Half God-Half Mortal! My Name is F/n, and I am your doom!"

F/n: "Well, My Half God-Half Mortal! My Name is F/n, and I am your doom!"

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Hearts: "Hahahahaha! Well, Why don't you Prove it by Hitting me?"

F/n: "You Bet!"

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