Opening A Maid Cafe!!/ Komi's Shopping time with Friends!!

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Well, the School's Festival is Coming Up, and Your entire Class is Just helping to start up for this year's classroom event, A Maid Cafe, and everyone was Doing their Part to Help, and Komi-san was Just standing the corner Just trying not to get Involved with Anyone!

This leads to you walking over, and you began to Hug her as she smiled!

Y/n: "Hey Homi-san are you Okay?"

Komi: (Yes.)

Y/n: "Are you sure?"

Komi: (No.)

Y/n: "Why?"

Komi: (Well... I'm still afraid to talk to People, despite finally having Friends.)

Y/n: "Well Calm down Komi, at At least It makes you Look Like Cute."

Komi: *Blushes*

Girls: 'Lucky!'

Y/n: "Hey Komi-san why don't you try talking to those two over there? Nene and Kaede, I think you would get along with them, and They don't seem as Crazy as Agari or Ren."

Meanwhile, Agari was Trying to do anything she can to worship Komi-san, and You, even going as far as to get the both of you to try and hurt her, but she's just watching from behind the corner waiting to ask again, Ren was brandishing A Pair of Child Safety scissors because you won't let her have any real Scissors."

Y/n: "Go Get them, Tiger!"

You then Pushed Komi-san Foward and she ended walking towards the two girls with her Adorable Bug eyes!

You then Pushed Komi-san Foward and she ended walking towards the two girls with her Adorable Bug eyes!

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Nene and Kaede

Nene: "Oh, Hey Komi-San!"

Kaede: "Hey Komi-San. Nice to see you."

Komi: "Nunununununununununununununununununununununu!"

Nene: "Oh Hey, Komi-san! We were going to the Store down the Street to get some more Poster Paper for the Maid Cafe! Mind coming to help us?"

Komi: "Nunununununununununununununununu!"

Meanwhile, you were watching from Afar trying to give her Pointers!

Y/n: "Komi-san Just say Yes!"

Komi: (Yes.)

Nene: "Oh Great! Just follow Me, and Kae- SHIT! She's gone!!"

Kaede had Just disappeared out of nowhere!

After Finding Kaede...

After Finding Kaede who had run off to Look at A Phone of A Fellow student who was watching Spongebob, Because Classic Spongebob was amazing, and they soon walked down the street of the School to the Big box store where they can Buy some Poster Boards!

Nene: "Okay Girls, We gotta find some Poster Boards, and I think it's best if we stick together!"

Komi: (Why?)

Kaede: "I don't know because I get Lost A Lot Nene says."

Nene: "Because you Always Runoff when I'm Not Looking Kaede."

Kaede: "I Do Not and I am Frankly Shocked you would- Ooh what's that?"

Kaede then tried walking away, but Nene stopped her by grabbing her Arm, and She Turned to Komi-san!

Nene: "Alright Guys, We Should stick together, and Find those Poster boards, Pay for them, and Leave, so let's go to the art and Craft section, and Find some Poster boards! Right Komi?"

Komi: (Yes.)

Nene: "Right Kaede? Right Kaede? Kaede?"

She then looked at her Hand, and Kaede was somehow able to slip through without her Noticing and she's gone!


Komi: (Um... Something wrong?)

Nene: "Oh No Kaede is gone and In this store of All Places! Okay then Komi-san New Plan! We split up! I'll get A Poster Board, and You'll find Kaede!"

Komi then tried to stop Nene, but she was already off, and Komi decided to Look around for Kaede, but she was too Scared to ask Anyone, so she was Just Looking around the Kaede, and she soon found her near the back of the store in the Gardening section!

Komi: (KAEDE!)

Kaede: "Oh Hey, Komi-san."

Komi: (Kaede come with me we need to go back to Nene.)

Kaede was gone again, and now she was at the staff door, turning to Komi smiling!

Kaede: "Oh Hey Komi-san what do you think is behind the door? I think it's something good."

Komi then against her Usual Judgement quickly grabs  Kaede by the hand, and began dragging her away while she was covering her face with her Notepad, Kaede then stopped them both and spoke up!

Komi: (?)

Kaede: "Oh I am so sorry, I made you upset Komi-san, It's Just... I'm really slow and Pick up on things super slowly, and I can easily be distracted by things for hours at A Time. I was Going to ask Later but... Komi-san you had easily accepted me for who I am despite me being... Slow, but I am going to ask you if you can be my Friend."

Komi-san then stopped, then Blushed, and then smiled, as she then spoke up once again.

Komi: "T-Thank you so much Kaede-san." 

She then noticed that Kaede was gone again and grabbed onto A Chainsaw!

Kaede: "Oh Komi-san What's this?"

Employee: "Ma'am Please put that down."

After that whole altercation, Nene soon found them with the Poster boards they needed, and they soon Paid for it and left, Komi-san smiling inside that she's Made two new Friends!

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