Completo's For the Tomboy!!

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Once again you were checking through the requests until you found something that Seemed interesting since Medaka loved helping everyone, and nothing is too small for her in her quest to Make everyone Happy in this Good green World!

Y/n: "Alright miss Medaka I got something new for us!"

Medaka: "Really? Who is it from?"

Y/n: "It's from, Hmm... Kenna. it Says it's some Secret Request."

Akune: "Well Maybe she needs me to make another Love letter! I am so great at Making them anyway!"

Y/n: "No you don't you Suck at it."

Akune: "You wanna Lizard Breath!!!"

Y/n: "Yeah, Sure thing Karate Dope!!"


Y/n: "YEAH!"

Medaka: "Mogana?"

Mogana: "Right."

Mogana then wacked the both of you over the head, as you both quickly stopped fighting!

Kuamagwa: "Hahahaha! You People Are A Riot! Don't stop fighting I wannaa get some Popcorn first so we can- GAH!"

Medaka then Punched her in the face, as she began dragging you outside of the room!

Medaka: "Watch over her and Make sure doesn't do anything funny, while we see Kenna. Alright?"

Akune/Mogana: "Y-Y-Yes Ma'am!"

She then left dragging you from Behind, as Mogana spoke up!

Mogana: "Man I love her but she can surely be scary sometimes."

Akune: "Like when she went Alt. Wargod Mode and beat the ever Loving shit out of Kumagawa?"

Mogana: "Yeah, She is A Literal War god."

Akune: "Yep, Just Pretty damn scary sometimes."


You were both now in the Home Economics And Cooking Class where Kenna is sitting right there, eating some Takeout she got from some Resturant, while giving the both of you some Looks!

You were both now in the Home Economics And Cooking Class where Kenna is sitting right there, eating some Takeout she got from some Resturant, while giving the both of you some Looks!

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Y/n: "Hey Kenna, How are you doing?"

Kenna: "Hello, Y/nm I'm doing good. Hello Medaka."

Medaka: "Hi Kenna, so what can we do for you Today?"

Kenna: "You see, I've been wondering if you can Make me something."

Y/n/Medaka: "Hm?"

Kenna: "I want you to make me some of those Completo's, you know those Gourmet Hotdogs from Chile. I mean this is Good but I heard Completo's are Far, Far, Better."

Before you can even respond Medaka had already Put on An Apron and was carrying A Spatula!

Medaka: "Don't worry Kenna, we will make you the best Damn completo's you ever had! Right Y/n?"

Y/n: "Right!"

French Narrator: 5 Minutes Later...

Y/n: "Thanks Frenchie!"

Medaka: "And Ta-da! We made you the best Completo's this side of Japan!"

Medaka: "And Ta-da! We made you the best Completo's this side of Japan!"

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Kenna then took One, and Tasted it and then she smiled!

Kenna: "This is Really, Really, Really Good! Great Job."

Medaka: "YES! Another Request completed!"

Y/n: "And we still have some for Our- WHERE DID THEY GO!?"

Medaka: "I'll give you 5 guesses."

And Just like clockwork, Shiranui had appeared but she was eating all of the completo's!

Shiranui: "I was going to tell you something Y/n, But That was Really good! Can I have some More?"

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