Battle against the Flask Plan!!/ Evil Medaka!?

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Inside of the Flask Plan's Council Room, the huge door was being busted down with Multiple blows to it, leaving Massive Dents in it yielding no results, as some voices were overheard behind the door, and then there was some yelling!

Kujira: "Let me do it!!"

She then whipped the door to Pieces, as you Poked your head inside, Along with Maguro, and Urushi!

Y/n: "I could have done that in A Few more hits you know."

Maguro: "Oh Kujira you are so amazing and-"

Kujira: "Don't you dare try to hit on me you, Sistercon!"

Y/n: "Hey Like Riser, accept Maguro here accepts it!"

Urushi: "Um... Guys, I think We have some people waiting for us."

Just then you saw the Mogana, Akune, Kumagawa, and Shiranui, all tied up to A Wall Knocked out with some sticky substance, while Najimi was just sitting there with A Sadistic smile staring right into your soul!

Najimi: "Ah, Y/n Nice to finally meet you. I know you already know A Najimi, but You know What don't know what thing was."

Y/n: "Where is Medaka you Freak!?"

Najimi: "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, where is your retention for chivalry Y/n? Meet my Friends! Fue, Harigane, Mind coming in here."

Just came in were two Women from the Public Morals Committee, one was beautiful and Busty, and the other was Cute AND Flat!

Just came in were two Women from the Public Morals Committee, one was beautiful and Busty, and the other was Cute AND Flat!

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Y/n: "WHAT!? Fue!? Harigane!? Why would you both work for someone As Nutty as Najime!?"

Fue: "She offers to make this school A Much Cleaner Place, I could respect That Handsome~"

Y/n: "Are you Coming on to me?"

Fue: "No~"

She then Winked as Harigane got mad!

Harigane: "SHUT UP FUE THAT'S INDECENT! I want revenge on Medaka for how she embarrassed me, by getting me into this Oversized Uniform when my Got ruined!"

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