Medaka The Model!!

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After were you were Inaugurated as the Vice President in Medaka's Council you were quickly given the task of reading out of the Requests in the Medaka Box, to see what you can all do to make your School A Better Place!

Y/n: "Okay so First Request of the day, It's... Um... Wait! Medaka Modeling!? UGH! Some Goddamn Perverts!! No Way!"

You were about to Throw out the Request when Medaka Stopped you!

Medaka: "Modeling Huh? Hey, I can do that! What do you guys think?"

Mogana: "Medaka, As your girlfriend, I think You're incredibly beautiful, But I don't want you showing off to Any Men like that."

Medaka: "What about you Akune?"

Akune: "Oh Seriously you are really hot and I just wanna-"

Mogana then threw A Sock full of Nickles at his head, and she smiled!

Medaka: "Why do you have A Sock full of Nickles?"

Mogana: "Well I Love Money and I need to defend myself so there."

Medaka: "What about you Kumagawa?"

Kumagawa: "Oh Only if Y/n gets to Model as well!"

Y/n: "NO!"

Kumagawa: "Well at least I Tried."

Medaka: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "Well I mean I would like you to because You're incredibly beautiful, and Amazing and... WhatthefuckamIsayingrightnow!?"

Medaka: "Great! So It's decided!"


You were all now at the Art club room where the Requester Yuubaru who is A Strange little Man, was waiting to Paint Medaka!

You were all now at the Art club room where the Requester Yuubaru who is A Strange little Man, was waiting to Paint Medaka!

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Yuubaru: "Okay I got my Paints, My Canvas, the Lights are Just perfect, Now where is my Model!"

Just then Medaka walked into the room, in her Swimsuit!

Medaka: "I'm Right Here, Da Vinci!"

Medaka: "I'm Right Here, Da Vinci!"

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Medaka: "So Guys how Do I Look?"

You and Mogana were Just having Major nosebleeds as you responded!

Y/n/Mogana: "Perfect!"

Yuubaru: "Yes, In fact to Perfect, Medaka-San You are too perfect For this, I need you out of this Project at Once!"

Medaka then Began sulking in the corner, as you Used your Barrier Barrier fruit abilities to Create A Large Square Barrier that pins Yuubaru to the wall, as you try not to crush him!


Y/n: "Look Yuubaru I hate to be A Critic, But... You are so fucking wrong and ridiculous it's not even funny!!!"

Yuubaru: "But I'm an Artist, It's My Job to Be Ridiculous!"

You then Have bleeding out of your nose, as Kumagawa took notice!

Kumagawa: "Y/n is something wrong?"

Y/n: "Sorry It's Just... I am having an Anyruesm over all of this stupidity..."

Kumagawa: "I didn't know you were that Stupid."


Just then Akune came with Another Green Haired girl, that you know well of!

Akune: "Hey, Yuubaru, why don't you have Nekomi star instead? she's perfect but not perfect!"

Nekomi: "Hey, Y/n!"

Nekomi: "Hey, Y/n!"

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Y/n: "Hey Nekomi!"

Yuubaru: "No! Still too perfect! I Need A Girl that is Not too perfect!"


You then began choking the life out of him Just as A Little Nuisance and Friend of yours, Named Shiranui walked in, eating A Chicken leg, as she is never seen without any Food!

You then began choking the life out of him Just as A Little Nuisance and Friend of yours, Named Shiranui walked in, eating A Chicken leg, as she is never seen without any Food!

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Shiranui: "Hey Y/n, My Boss Just said she wanted you to-"

Yuubaru: "WAIT! She is Perfect! The Small, and Flat Body! That Short Blue hair! She's Perfect!"

Everyone: "WHAT!?"

Y/n: "Sigh... Gum-Gum Culverin."

You then Bounced your Fist all over the room until it socked Yuubaru in the face, and knocked him to the ground, then you comforted Medaka!

Y/n: "Hey Medaka you Okay?"

Medaka: "No... I'm Not good enough..."

Y/n: "Hey, he says your too perfect, and I would take that as A Compliment if I was you."

Medaka: "He still rejected me though..."

Y/n: "Would you want some Wcdonalds after School? I'll buy."

Medaka: "Really? Like A Date?"

Y/n: "Sure, I Guess."

Medaka: "GREAT!"

Medaka then hugged your arm and began kissing your cheek as everyone in the room (except for Yuubaru who was currently knocked out) watched!

Everyone: 'Don't get Jealous, Don't Get Jealous, Don't get Jealous.'

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