The Birth of the Green/ Stand Retrieval!!

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You were all now running through the Prison searching for Jotaro's Stand disc which Pucci probably has in his Possession, and your first stop was Burning down the House to get More Help!

Math: Dude how long am I supposed to carry Jotaro?

Y/n: Just until we find his stand Disc!

Jolyne: Thanks for trying to Save My Dad Y/n, This really means A Lot to me!

Y/n: Hey no Problem, I'll always help pretty girls like you

Jolyne: Awww, Thank you

Y/n: You're welcome, I always- GAH!!

Just then Anasui Punches you in the face!

Y/n: GAH!

Anasui: That's my Girl Dick!!

Just then Jolyne suplexed the Murdering Simp!


Anasui: GAH! I'm Sorry!

Y/n:/Math: Hahahahaha!

Chibiusa: Daddy?

Y/n: Yes Sweetie?

Chibiusa: Do you see what I'm seeing?

Y/n: Seeing what?

Ran: A Bone floating across the hallway

Y/n: Huh? What do you- Oooooh, I see it! Man that sure is becoming A Bizzare Adventure


Just then the Bone Floated over to A Prisoner and when he grabbed it he screamed in pain, and soon A Tree grew out of him!


Math: This seems to get even more Bizzare!

Ren: Yeah, and there's 35 More of them!

You all then Looked around and there were indeed 36 Trees growing out of Prisoners, Like some kid Fucked up Greenhouse, and one of the Trees then Popped out A Green, Gremlin Like Baby!

Y/n: Um... That's Fucked up, and What the ever-loving hell is that?

Green Baby: ...

Green Baby (The Humonculys of Dio/ Was created by using his Bone/ Has A Stand Called Green Green Grass of Home, which can shrink things to close to it and is sentient)

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Green Baby (The Humonculys of Dio/ Was created by using his Bone/ Has A Stand Called Green Green Grass of Home, which can shrink things to close to it and is sentient)

Chibiusa: It Looks like if A Saibaman and A Gremlin had A Baby and that Baby Smoked Pot

Y/n: Yep

Jolyne: Well I'm gonna Kill it!

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