Humble Love Chapter Seventy - Nine

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 Bruno POV

We have arrived to the hotel, Lea had Aiden in her arms. " He is so handsome" She whisper . " Oh I know runs in the family" I said and she smiled. "Put him in his crib we need to talk." I said and she nodded making her way to Aiden's room. I walked to the kitchen and got us some cocoa pebbles Lea's favorite. I sat on the floor waiting for her. She closes Aiden's room, and sits next to me. I handed over the cereal. " Tell me what happened" I asked. " Do you remember the night the power went off?" She trails. " I was looking for candles-" She stops  "It's okay " I said comforting her " Bruno we weren't alone that night at home" She reply. "I don't remember much but later then , I heard females arguing, and when I open my eyes , " She stops. " Lea who did this to you" I asked concern. "She took advantage of the situation I was weak, tied up , chain up to a damn chair, I couldn't defend myself , Bruno I really tried, we had a fight but , I was tied up like I'd said I couldn't do much , She stab me with a knife" She said and I remain silent. Then she gets up and walks to the bathroom bringing a towel a wet one and she starts taking her make up off, she was  bruised, she carries on by  taking  off her shirt , " what are those in your arms?" I asked "  Trails of IV meds " she replied taking her jeans off I see her C-section and the cut in her right femoral area. " Oh my God" I snapped getting up and hugging her tight. "I will never leave you alone , we have to call the cops, Throw them to jail" I said. " Bruno you can't  " She said . " And why the hell not , who did this to you Lea " I snapped , she remain quite. " Who THE FUCK DID THIS to you? Why? Lea ANSWER ME?" I said raising my voice. "They want me out of your life" She finally speaks . " WHO'S THEY " I asked  " Tiara and Vanessa." Lea snapped. My eyes widen " WHAT"I reply. " Bruno I just want you to be happy-" " Lea stop" I cut her off,  " Lea " I sight . " I didn't knew what love was , being in love meant , caring for someone day and night all day and every day until I met you, you complete me , I am happy with you , I have a family to take care of now'' I said

Lea Marie POV

'' Lea, Remember this " He trailed placing his hands on both of my cheeks "I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love. I promise to encourage you and inspire you and to love you through good times and bad. I will FOREEVER be there to laugh with you, to lift you up when your down , to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I'm with you. With this ring, I give you my heart, I promise form this day forward, you shall not walk alone, may my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home" Bruno said , those where his vows. I smiled big, " I am so lucky to have you as my husband" I said hugging him tight. "We are leaving as soon as the sun comes out" Bruno said. "We are we going?'' I asked. "You heard me we are leaving L.A we need a break from all this, you deserved it" He said, sitting in the bed. " I sat next to him " umm so we are we going?" I asked playing with his hair. " Puerto Rico''... " What about Vanessa and Tiara?" I asked. " I'll take care of that , don't you worry about it". He said pressing his lips with mine.  I can feel his smile . "I'm so happy to have you back babe" With him saying that we both fell asleep ... 


Sorry it's so short , If my mind clears up I'll update more :D Thank you and enjoy 

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