What's Happening? Chapter Thirteen

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Still on Bruno POV

Vannesa asked were was I fuck. ‘’ Well At Phil’s and what the fuck are you doing here?’’ I reply. Without hesitation. Vanessa gave me a look

‘’ Stop with the attitude okay! I just came back to pick up some dresses, I’ll leave in a few hours’’ She said and that was music to my ears.

 ‘’Oh, okay then, you need a drive to the airport?’’ I asked nicely, when suddenly I heard Knocking.

‘’ So now out of the sudden your nice? , hormone freak, oh umm Bruno can you picked up the dresses for me ’’ Vanessa said Walking towards the front door to see who was.

 ‘’I would love to but, do you know who I am?’’ I reply giving her a look folding my arms.

‘’Yeah so ? ’’. She reply with a confuse face.  ‘’Exactly’’ I reply walking to the kitchen to get some OJ. As I was sipping I heard Vanessa in the background.

‘’OH HI Lea how are you ‘’ Vanessa said. ‘’Good Morning and I’m good thanks for asking’’ Lea said.

‘’Okay so I have to picked up some things,it's 10 am,  I’ll be back in half hour  go to the glossary store and grab some stuff for the breakfast ‘’ Vanessa said walking to the kitchen with Lea.

‘’Sure no problem Miss’’ Lea said. She loocked stunning with her chef uniform, and I don’t know why I was getting turned on.  She passed by me…

‘’Hey’’ I said. And Lea didn’t reply she just nodded.

‘’Ok babe see ya in a few, Lea you know what to do ’’ Vanessa said kissing me and leaving the house. As soon as I heard the door closed I spoke.

‘’WELL WELL WELL WE MEET AGAIN’’ I said getting closer to Lea.

‘’Sir please stand back’’ Lea said.

‘’Since when you are nice to me?’’ I asked, very surprised, she’s always been mean and stubborn when it come to talk to me.

‘’As your employee I have to’’ Lea said, cheking the fridge to see what she need it to make breakfast.

‘’BRUNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’’  Vanessa screamed. Lea and I ran outside. She was screaming just because her purse fell down. Lea gave me a WHAT THE FUCK look.

‘’Bruno Is she serious’’ Lea whisper to me.  ‘’Just Shut up’’ I reply. Picking Vanessa’s purse.

‘’awww thanks baby’’ Vanessa said kissing me getting inside her car. Lea and I head back inside the house and Lea burst into laughter.

‘’JAHJHAJHAJHAJHAJAH that’s fucked up man, YOU PUSSAY’’ Lea said laughing her lungs and soul out.

‘’Aigh , I’m a gentleman’’ I said winking at her. She stops laughing.

‘’Well gotta go’’ Lea said picking my car keys.

‘’WOAA WOAA where the fuck you think your going with my keys’’ I shout.

‘’I gotta go and get the stuff that I need to make you and YO girl food’’ Lea reply.

‘’I’ll drive you there’’ I said taking the keys from her hand.

‘’ What about the papa--- , never mind’’ Lea said.

‘’ Fuck em lets go’’ I said putting on my sun glasses. It was a 10 minute drive, we arrived to the store, I parked the car, Lea got out , so did I , we made ourselves inside the store and they were paparazzi’s all over the place. ‘’SHIT’’ I whisper.




’WHO IS SHE’’ The paparazzi bombarded me with a bunch of questionsand flashes but Lea stop and spoke.

‘’Ok Listen closely, I’m there personal chef  , okay bye’’ Lea said grabbing me by the arm pushing me inside the store.

‘’What was that for ?’’ I asked.  

‘’I just save yo ass for the awkwardness you could at least thank me you bitch’’ Lea reply.

‘’Fuck you’’ I said , As we walked to get everything that Lea need it to make food. We were actually having fun she was teaching me some Spanish, and well I’m getting there. As we were having fun my phone vibrated it was Vanessa.

‘’Yo’’ I said.

’Do you know what time it is’’ Vanessa said annoyed.

‘’I don’t really know’’ I reply asking lea for the time and it was already 1 of the afternoon we’ve been here for 3 hours ‘’shit’’ I said.

‘’Bruno I gotta go or else im gonna miss the flight’’ Vanessa said concern.

‘’aww then go babe, when do you come back?’’ I asked.

‘’’ll Ilet you know soon Love you’’ She said and hung up.

‘’Lea let’s go’’ I said grabbing lea by her arm. ‘’Bruno Let go NOW’’ Lea said getting angry.

‘’ LETS GO NOW’’ I said getting annoyed by her attitude.

‘’Dude you gotta pay for this’’ Lea said.

‘’We’ll do this shit later lets go NOW’’ I said, Lea dropped the bag. And we walked as fast as we could to my car, we got in, And I drove fast. We made it to the front gates of the house. I parked the car and closed the gates, and opened the front door , Lea and I walked inside. Lea Smash close the door.

‘’WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU HAVE PROBLEMS’’ Lea shout. I got closer to her and grab her face.

‘’SHUT THE FUCK UP ‘’ I said kissing her roughly oh god what the fuck is happening to me………

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