The Time Has Come Chapter Sixty-Three

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Lea Marie POV 

I was at Jaime’s place locked in the guest room; I was so pissed at Bruno, He knows he’s a married man, and soon to be a father ; Fuck him. I got up took a shower when suddenly I started to feel pain in my pelvic area and it hurt “ ahh fuck, what’s this ? I’m only 7 months, Please baby stay in there you’re not ready yet” I whisper massaging my belly. I got dressed and sat on the bed holding the pains “I am sure not calling Bruno” I said and the pain got worst. I kept holding until I hear a familiar voice “ PAINS and why the fuck didn’t you called me? Where is she” I heard footsteps and the door flew open , I saw concern, fear in his eyes. “Oh GOD Lea whats going on?” He asked. “ I think ahhhhhhhhh the baby is coming, it’s not time yet” I said sreaming pain and started to  assume they were contractions. Then Jaime burst into the room “Bruno Whats going on?” She asked and Bruno was helping me to get up the bed. “Lea its having contraction” Bruno reply. Jaime’s eyes got wide and she screamed like a maniac “ MAKE SOME ROOM WE ARE HAVING A BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY’’ “ Shut the fuck up JESUS’’ Bruno snapped angry. “ Get her bags we are leaving Move it move it” Bruno said helping me walked to the car. “ Bruno it hurts bad” I said crying , I forgot I was mad at him I need him more than anything right now. He kissed my forehead. “ Everything will be alright I promise” He said holding my hand with his. I looked down And I saw droops, it was wet. I touched my lower cloths. “ BRUNO MY WATER JUST BROKE’’  I Shout. “ JAIME GETT THE FUCKING CARR HER WATER JUST FUCKING BROKEEE LEEEETSSS GOOOOOOOOOO NOOOW” Bruno was panicking extremely. I couldn’t walk no more so Jaime brought the car towards us , Bruno helped me get in and we drove to the closest Hospital. Bruno ran as fast as he could looking for a wheel chair he found one and he was next to a nurse. They helped me get out of the car. I sat, I see to my right and see Jaime calling everybody, I looked to my right and theres Bruno with all the bags and my huge comforter etc. We waited 10 minutes I was in so much pain the Doctor came and told us that I need it to have a C section ASAP. They prepare the Operating room, I was all dressed so was Bruno.The nurses helped me to get on the metal bed, they injected my spine and then the laid me down Bruno was there next to me the whole time. He kissed my forehead and lips ,” Let’s have that baby boy” He said. And I nodded. I was praying in silence. “ God please take care of my babby please please” “Lea , LEA Doctor Help” I heard Bruno in the distance ……. And everything went black ………….

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