Getting to know her ways-Chapter one

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** Still on the Airplane**

. ‘’ OH my God” the girl said with a straight face, I was just standing there waiting for her apology, like she owns it she was the rude one at first. 

 ‘’ um sorry for that, for  kept you waiting’’ she said

’’ umm yeah sure’’ I said to her

she passed by me and I saw her, she was about my height, she had almost the same color of skin of mine, Dark brown eyes ,straight dark brown hair, beautiful curves and hips , ‘OH fuck LOOK At that ass LORD BLESS HER ‘ I said thru my teeth FUCK WHAT a creep, oh but then her face, she wasn’t wearing any make-up oh god, just how I like it. ANYWAYS I made it to restroom and pee, ‘ahgggggg what a relief’ I said. Wondering who that girl was.

 Lea Marie POV

‘’OH holy shit I just screamed at Bruno FUCKING MARS’’ I couldn’t believe that, ‘’WAIT DID THAT JUST HAPENEDE OH GOD’’, I said to myself locking for my seat as I’m on my way locking I saw, ALL the HOOLIGANS, I’m about to pass out, I totally forgot that he was on tour FUCK and missed the concert, I was working very hard on college to get the grades that I have , BUT NEVERMIND I JUST screamed at BRUNO MARS , but hold on the fuck up, why am I fangirling over him? he was a Dick back there , whatever I’m gonna enjoy the flight , I found my seat and I see that I have company , awesome I don’t get to be alone, I put my things were they were supposed to be and I sit, putting on my headphones , closing my eyes getting lost with the rhythm of the music.... without hesitation falling asleep… 

Bruno’s POV

I washed my hands and made my way out of the restroom, locking for that girl, that stubborn, as I’m getting close to my sit I see that there’s a female sitting right next to mine stuff , Dark straight brown hair Holy fuck is her , ‘‘Time to have some fun’’ I said , but she didn’t heard me she was too busy sleeping . I taped her shoulder, and she jumped.

‘’Sorry didn’t mean to scare ya’’ I said smiling to her, showing my dimples. How come she didn’t even bother smiling back, WHAT the fuck what kind of girl doesn’t smile back at the Brunz? I finally get to sit next to her, Damn this girl. After I woke her up , She was just sitting there admiring the view with her legs up to her chest, I can see her exigent for L.A, BUT enough  Imma make a move to see if I can get a name, maybe a number.  I taped her knee, and she looked at me, she look at me straight to my eyes , with a stubborn look ,she was actually has the same eye color as mine.. ‘’SNAP OUT OF IT BRUNO, come on, I CAN DO IT, Bruno You can do it leggo TALK TO HER NOW’’ I said to myself...

‘’So Hi we met before?’’ I asked her FUCK way to go Bruno

‘’ Yeah, your were the jerk that said that I’m a mad person , yes of course I remember you’’ she said still with a devilish look in her eyes

‘’oh, come on , don’t be like that , you weren’t doing anything but screaming ,anyways  let me introduce myself , HI I’m Bruno Mars’’ I said stretching to make a greeting  hand shake with her , but she totally ignore me , YO NOBODY IGNORES BRUNO .

‘’Umm yeah I know you, and just because your ‘Bruno Mars’ doesn’t mean that you’re getting away with this, your still A JERK you know’’ she said with a stubborn attitude.

‘’Then my bad, I’m sorry, and what’s with the attitude?’’ I asked her with some stubborn attitude too.

‘’ YO you don’t even know me to be talking to me like that, so chill yo fucking attitude I’m here enjoying my flight so if you don’t mind I’m going back to sleep GOOD NIGHT’’ she said putting back her headphones. She mess with the wrong guy, I turned off the music on her Ipod , I didn’t know how I did it but I did it. She gave me a death look, “Where you from and Why are you going to L.A’’ I throw the question waiting for her answer.

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