Sorry? Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Lea Marie POV

I lay on the big bed staring at the celling processing what I saw on the hall way. Why am I feeling so heartbroken? We are nothing, we just argue and have sex with no attachments, ‘’WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH’’ I shout covering my face with both of my hands. Suddenly I hear the front door  getting open I quickly got up a locked myself in the bathroom, took off my cloths and went straight to the shower. I let the hot water run all over my body.  I sight feeling a relief. ‘’ Lea?’’ I heard Bruno from the other side of the door. ‘’ What?’’ I shout. ‘’ Umm I got us breakfast’’ He said in a sweet tone.  ‘’That’s so kind of you , but I already have breakfast’’ I lied I’m starving. ‘’ Well I was hoping to get breakfast with you and maybe go shopping and I don’t know come to the show tonight’’ He said. Why is he being nice , fucking Dick. ‘’I don’t feel like going out , go ahead and have fun Mars’’ I said. And keep showering myself. ‘’ALRIGHT THAT’S IT ‘’ Bruno shout and opened the door so the shower door. I immediately cover myself. ‘’WHAT THE FUCK GET OUT’’I shout. ‘’What’s got into you? No breakfast, you don’t want to go shopping what the hell Lea’’ He said folding his arms. ‘’ Look I don’t want to go out , I DON’T FEEL LIKE GOING OUT , instead of you being here shouting and interrupting my relaxing shower why won’t you go and run to Vanessa’s ass and take her you Fucking ass liar’’ I said throwing him my shampoo bottle. His jaw dropped. ‘’Why so surprised Sir?’’ I said raising my eyebrows. ‘’Look I’m sorry , She got here without consulting me and she slap me and----‘’ ‘’I don’t NEED explanations Sir, like I said before your my boss I’m your employee let’s keep it like that shall we’’ I said winking at him closing the door, A lump formed in my throat and I hold the tears. ‘’Why are you being so stubborn Lea?’’ Bruno asks sitting on sink.I didn’t answer. ‘’Anyways I was thinking about giving her another chance’’ He said. My got wide and I closed my fist and sight. ‘’Look your life choices deal with them’’ I reply turning off the water. I see that my towel isn’t hanging anymore. Bruno has it around his neck, like a scarf. ‘’looking for something’’ I hear him say. ‘’Can I please get my towel back Sir’’ I said. ‘’Stop calling me sir , Lea’’ He reply.’’ Are you giving me my towel or not’’ I said still in the shower. ‘’Can I get I kiss’’ He says. Is he serious right now. I open the door not covering myself. My hair and body were wet , and well my nipple were hard cause of the cold air in the room, I cat walk , and got closer to him, and I lean. I kiss his cheeks and snap my towel off his hands. ‘’I don’t think so’’ I whisper in his hear covering my body making my way to the room. He thinks he can have it all we’ll see about that.

October 7 ,2013 London 11:34pm

Bruno and I we have been distant, we don’t even talk as we used to , well the usual good morning , have a good day be save and good luck. But Tomorrow is Bruno’s Birthday and I have been avoiding him since I saw him kissing Vanessa, I was pretty hushed last week, but tomorrow is he’s birthday. ‘’fuck’’ I whisper making myself to the kitchen. I was hungry and Bruno well he’s doing a show , since we don’t talk why should I be there. I started making one of my favorite plates that my mom used to make me when I was in  Puerto Rico , White rice and some fried chicken. 12:25am Bruno hasn’t arrived yet. I already ate. I decided to call him. I was dialing his number at first it sent me straight to voice mail. I waited like 2 minutes and called again. All I hear I loud music and girls talking.

’YOOO’’ Bruno said. ‘’Hey umm are you coming to the hotel?’’ I asked. ‘’Maybe I don’t know, I’m to busy’’ He replys , well I think he’s drunk. ‘’ Oh so you don’t know if you’re coming back?’’ I asked a little annoyed. ‘’I don’t know Lea Marie , I DON’T KNOW’’ He shouts. ‘’You know what I don’t know why I even bother , Have fun , ohhh and happy birthday Bruno’’ I said , I could tell he was about to say something but I hung up. I went to the kitchen and started baking a Cake, Chocolate and Vanilla flavors. After 45 minutes the cake, and decorations were done I placed the cake in the fridge, took a jacket, put my hair in a messy bun , took my phone and left the room. I went to the terrace, and dialed my mom I need to talk to someone.

‘’Hello’’ I hear my mom’s voice in the other side. ‘’Mami, encerio pense que podria hacer esto que este era mi destino, mami no puedo mas’’(Mom, for real I thought I could do this,  that this was the thing that I was meant to do, Mom I can’t do this anymore). ‘’ Darling who said that’s gonna be easy, keep fighting for what you want, I trust you and so does your Father and brothers, you made it this far why you want to quit now?’’ She said.’’ I am not quitting it’s just hard ma, You know I’m better than that’’ I said and she burst in laughter.’’ Hay mija, just keep doing what you do best’’ My mom said.’’ K mom Love you’’ I said and hung up, I sat in a pretty couch they had there staring at the stars, ‘’Fuck it sure is a beautiful night’’ I said falling asleep.

Bruno POV

‘’LEA, LEAA HELLO’’ She hung up. ‘’Fuck Phil I’m leaving’’ I shout to Phil. ‘’WHY MAN WE ARE HAVING FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN’’ Drunk Phil says. I wave him good-bye and left the club and went straight to the hotel. 2:45 am I open the door, No tv sound , No shower running , No Lea. I put my hands in my face and sat on the dining room chair. ‘’ FUCK’’ I shout punching the table. I got up and went to fridge to get a beer, when I open it I see a cake, I take it out and placed it on the kitchen counter. ‘’ Happy 28th Birthday Jerk face <3 :D’’ and next to the knifes a note.

‘’ Am I the first one to wish you a HBD today? Well yes I am .You’re off to great places, Today is your day, your mountain is waiting so get on your way. Happy Birthday Bruno…, read it and youll know were to find me’’

-Love Lea Marie

I feel like shit, she was calling to give me this beautiful gesture, Now were could she be. I read the note several times and I had a feeling that I should head to the terrace. I made my way there and affirmative there she was sleeping in the couch. I got next to her and poke her.’’ Thank you ‘’ I whisper kissing her gently on the lips... She got up so did I. she gave me a hug. ‘’Happy birthday Bruno’’ She whisper in my hear. ‘’ SOO weres my birthday present ?’’ I asked and she shared a tiny smile. She took my hand with hers,’’ Follow me’’….

A/N Guys im so sorry I havent update , I started my second semester in college and yeah Got a lot of work but thanks for the really nice comments here you go enjoy share, comment and vote THANK YOU xoxox Lyshia

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