Didn't Go as I planed-Chapter Two

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Lea Marie POV 

’What did I do to deserve this? Whatever , a made my way to the front door unlocked it , OH holy shit I own the most beautiful house ever 4 bedrooms , 3 bathrooms a pool and a Jacuzzi a BIG kitchen , Dining room, and big ass  living room oh GOD A HUGE Plasma TV no , no I’m done , I threw my stuff in the master room and ran all the way to the living room crashing on the sofa, I’m very pleased with my college graduation present, but I felt lonely, As I was just sitting there staring at the selling , I remember that Bruno gave me his number, Jumm time to have a little fun , I’ll text him . ‘’ I said

Bruno POV

I finally made it home 7:30am and guess who’s not home MY lovely girl ugh don’t need her now , I just wanted to crush on my bed , which I literally did. But I couldn’t feel asleep, I don’t know why but instead of thinking of my girl all I could think about was the stubborn girl the airplane girl. Her ways , and her attitude , I don’t know why but it caught my attention, while I was running thru my thoughts  my phone vibrate on my pocket , I see the ID and is a text from an unknown number  

???  ‘’Umm hey are you up?’’

‘’Who is this? How did you get my number?’’

??? ’’Oh so you are that type of person that gives there personal phone number to random people should’ve known , YOU CREEPY ASS JERK’’

‘’Oh GOD yes , yes , the stranger , I remember you , what up honey ?’’

‘’Look I just got to L.A I don’t have nobody here I’m alone I was wonderin----‘’ 

I cut her off ‘’OH god are you ok ? we are you at ?’’ I said

’Bruno I’m fine , Btw little question , do have new neighbors?’’ she ask 

‘’Umm I don’t know I guess I saw a cab drop someone right across the street why?’’ I reply 

‘’Well say hello to your new neighbor ‘’ She said and I was shocked, trying to process what she just texted me.

‘’No way are you fucking for real I’ll come over’’ I said , expecting a Yes for an answer

’No don’t get it twisted, Just wanted to let ya know , get some rest you need it I’ll text you later’’ she said.

‘’NO, keep texting me, please’’ , no responds fuck she’s right I do need to rest without even noticing I feel to sleep , field with joy cause the stranger texted me and lives right across the street WELL HAPPY MORNING TO ME .  

Lea Marie POV

I texted Bruno, I did it cause I got the feeling that he should've know that I’m his neighbor , I completely ignore his last text message , he really needs to rest being on tour is hard and exhausting . I laid on the couch for 20 minutes, but then I notice that I have to unpacked, I went to my room and change of clothes, I throw on some military booty shorts, a withe tank top,  and my hair well I pulled it up in a ponytail, and made my way to unpacked. I see the clock and it was 2 pm ‘’ OH FUCK already I’ve been unpacking for 7 hours straight ’’ I said. Locking around my messy room, I pick up some boxes, Forever 21 empty bags, paper, I got them all together and went outside to throw theme in the trash, ‘’ Bruno has a BIG , BIG enormous house’’ I said, talking to myself . I threw the trash and  head back in to my new home. 

 Bruno POV

I woke up and I was 2 pm oh god I got up and took a shower and made my way to the window, and for my surprised I see the stranger throwing out some boxes, OH my God, her body is out of this world, perfect legs , thighs , hips , ass , she must be a fitness trainer or something DAMN , I’ll get her one way or another . She’ll be mine.  In fact I’ll text her and will show up to her house tonight. 

‘’Umm hey , what are you doing tonight’’ I texted her 

’I’ll stay home , I still got stuff that I haven’t unpacked yet’’ she said , but I totally ignore the fact that she is busy unpacking, im not changing my mind i'll go to her home TONIGHT.

‘’ I’ll be there around 9 so you better open the door’’ I texted her 

‘’ Fuck you Bruno , Do whatever you want, I’m busy’’ she said with her stupid stubborn atittude.

‘’Then I’ll see you at 9’’ I reply, Oh God I just meet her but her attitude is driving me nuts , she’ll learn that nobody talks to Bruno like that NOBODY. I said 

Lea Marie POV

WAIT what just happened, is he actually coming over? But why? I didn’t ask him to come , well he better bring food cause I just got here and I don’t know nothing about L.A.  Anyways I finally finished unpacking and cleaning the house, I got in the shower, and started thinking of how blessed and lucky I am. As I’m traveling in my  thoughts , scrubbing hair, and body I hear the bell ring. “Fuck NO , what time is it?’’ I said rinsing off the body wash, and shampoo. I got off the shower and put on my bathrobe, ''Oh fuck it's 9 it can't be him already '' Isaid and head to the front door.

‘’Who is it?’’ I asked

‘’It’s Bruno ‘’ he said , FUCKKKK NOOO ughh i said thru my teeth

‘’I’ll be there in a minute’’ I said walking towards the door **I opened the door**

‘’WOA, hey , I brought some fried chicken and French fries  WOA hi ‘’ He said locking my face,legs and thighs, I got to admit my bathrobe was short it display my legs perfectly . 

‘’ Aww you shouldn’t have’’ I said ripping the bag form his hand. ‘’Well come in, I don’t bite, oh umm and close the door’’ I said.

‘’Nice place you got here’’ he said walking inside closing the door.

‘’Umm yeah , make yourself in home , Mi hogar es tu Hogar (MyHomeisYourHome) I’ll get some cloths on I’ll be back ’’ I said walking towards my room. I threw on a tank top that said ‘’Young,wild,andFree’’ on the front, some shorts , and colorful socks. I put some coconut  body splash, and head back tip toe to the living room where Bruno was, waiting for me. He was wearing  a black tank top and sweat pants , and his curly hair was messy It look so GOOD , It was a big turn on , but I gotta keep myself together , he has a Girlfriend , he is a taken man so there are no chances , plus I’m still piss of what he did on the airplane , what an asshole.

‘’Hey’’ I said walking to the kitchen, looking for some plates to placed the fried chicken and the French fries . ‘’ You want some?’’ I ask politely he looked back with his big brown eyes.

‘’Naa I’m good , thanks’’ he said smiling . ‘’ Well then I won’t eat either’’ I said with attitude.

‘’Then don’t, I’m not forcing you to eat ‘’ He said raising his voice a little. Oh no he fucking not did that, shit is about to go down. I said to myself

‘’I DIDN’T FUCKING ASK YOU TO COME OVER AND BRING FOOD BRUNO’’ I said raising my voice even more.  


‘’Oh I ain’t leaving sweet heart’’ he said walking towards me. ‘’ Oh yes you are’’ I said pushing him away from me. He looked straight into my eyes, I could see his anger raising up. He walk towards me again and grabs my neck. 

‘’I’m so tired of yo fucking stubborn attitude’’ he said with his right hand still placed on my neck. At his point I don’t know what’s gonna happen.  

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