I didn't mean this to happened Chapter Fifteen

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Bruno POV 

‘’This time, I’m in charge babe’’ I said looking Lea in the eyes giving her a wink. There we were again naked , enjoying ourselves. I was thrusting her deep and hard, she needs to learn that I’m the boss, she was on top of me , her breast was going up and down as I was thrusting.

‘’Oh fuck Bruno, yes , y-ees don’t stop’’ Lea said moaning. The way she was talking the way she was moving, the way she looks at me, fuck is so sexy and it turned me on even more. My erection got harder and harder every second I looked at Lea, she’s driving me crazy. I picked her up now I was on top. I took myself out, and stood there admiring her naked body.

‘’What the fuck are you looking at’’ Lea said.

‘’Shut the fuck up, and don’t talk to me that way, I’m your boss remember?’’ I said giving her a look.

‘’Right now? You aint shit to me’’ Lea said winking at me. that got me so angry that I spread her legs and insert myself  hard , she screamed in pain.

‘’Ohh Brunoo get it out , it hurts’’ Lea said punching my chest I didn’t care and kept thrusting hard. She was very tight , I love that about her. 10 minutes went bye I took my erection out and I felt something  dripping from it, it was blood, and Lea was pale.

‘’ Lea are you Okay ’’ I said very concern, Lea was laying on the bed bleeding from her vagina, and she wasn’t  talking and that got me nervous, I was freaking out, panicking. 

I picked her up and took her to the bathroom and gave her a shower. She finally spoke.

‘’Bruno, it hurts’’ Lea said with a raspy voice and her eyes were getting field with tears.

‘’I feel terrible Lea I dint mean to hurt you’’ I said covering my face , I felt embarrassed. Lea was still bleeding and blood freaks me out.

‘’Le-ee-ea we have to go to a Hospital NOW’’ I said , giving her a towel.

‘’No I’ll be fine Bruno , I need to rest.’’ Lea said covering herself. 


‘’SINCE WHEN YOU CARE ABOUT ME? I DON’T NEED YOUR HELP I---‘’ she cut off her sentence , and looked down , she was still bleeding. 

‘’LEA LETS GO NOW’’ I got dress she got dress and we made ourselves to the hospital. On the way there my phone rang , It was Vanessa.

‘’Baby , how are you I missed you so much’’ Vanessa said.

‘’Hey I missed you to’’ I said with a concern voice. And she noticed.

‘’Bruno are you okay? What’s going on?’’ Vanessa asked.  What the fuck am I gonna tell her oh hey babe I was fucking our personal chef and now she’s bleeding from her vagina and im freaking out? No big deal right. I said to myself. Lea gave me a look.

‘’Ummm Lea Marie cut herself , and well OHHH she’s bleeding pretty bad , I’m actually on my way to the hospital’’ I said to Vanessa giving Lea a wink , she didn’t smile.

‘’Oh my god but is she okay , is it pretty bad’’ Vanessa said. 

‘’Umm well I said it is pretty bad and im on my way with her to the hospital, what do you think Vanessa?’’ I said sarcastically.

‘’Ugh sometime you can be such of a Dick , Bruno , keep me update , Love you bye’’ Vanessa hung up. And I looked at Lea she was quite. 

‘’ How are you feeling??’’ I asked. Holding her hand. She moved her hand. ‘’Im fine, just want to get this over with, you are to over dramatic you know’’ Lea said folding her arms.

‘’Oh so caring it’s being dramtic?? WELL SORRY FOR BEING SO DRAMATIC LEA’’ I said with attitude. We arrived to the hospital.We waited a few minutes.

‘’Lea Marie Santigo’’ The nurse calls.

Lea gets up and walks towards the nurse , She looks back and gives me a tiny smile I smiled back . And there I was freaking out in the emergency room, thoughts running thru my head ’’ She told you to stop, she was hurting and you didn’t listen’’. Right now I’m having a fight with myself , panicking ,Not knowing what’s going to happened next. I was sitting there waiting when my phone makes me jump , I took it out of my pocket and check the ID it was Phil.

‘’YO My man where you at , I’m at yo place’’ Phil said. I sight and I cover my face with one hand.

‘’I’m at the hospital men’’ I said, Phil was quite for one minute.

‘’WAIT , WW-HAT , Hold on what happened are you okay?’’ Phil asked.

‘’I’m fine it’s, it’s ‘’I said getting a lump in my throat. ‘’Spill it out man your killing me here’’ Phil said

‘’It’s Lea’’ I  said.

‘’WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER’’ Phil shout.

‘’Phil , we were , umm *clears throat* you know’’ I said. 

‘’Yeah’’ Phil reply.

‘’I hurt her Phil , there was blood everywhere, she was pale, I fucked it up man, I don’t know what happened’’ I said.


‘’Phil I , I , I can’t stop now’’ I said with a raspy voice.

‘’AND WHY IS THAT?—OH no Bruno NO NO bad BOY NOOO! Don’t tell me , NO’’ Phil said.

‘’NO NO NO just shut the fuck up don’t say it’’ I said. When suddenly I heard a bleep in my phone it was a text message. 

‘’Phil hold up’’ I said , and it was Lea.

‘’I’m scared Bruno’’ Lea texted. My heart broke into a million pieces.

‘’I’m scared to, I’m sorry Lea’’ I reply.

’B , B are you there’’ I heard Phil.

‘’I gotta go’’ I hung up. What will happened now? I asked myself sitting alone at the emergency room.

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