Bad News Chapter Forty-Two

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Sorry it took me like 3 days to update I was sick and still am, I had to embalmed and college, final exams and I actually wanted to update yesterday but wattpad was being a bit of a jackass but its okay here you have it enjoy anddddd 6,784 reads?????????????? THANK YOUU SOOO MUCHHHHHHH xoxox 

Lea Marie POV

‘’ uhh we are what , come again ????” I asked still processing what this dick head just said… ‘’ Yeah what you heard , that’s just what it is’’ He said driving , He is nervous I can tell. I let out a long and loud sight. Staring at my hands. ‘’ Bruno , you don’t have to do this……’’ I said and there was an awkward silence between both of us. ‘’ Nobody knows about this, I’ll leave and you can carry on with your life’’ I said and Bruno step on the breaks, making me jump. ‘’ You’re not going anywhere, you – you just don’t get it you can’t go’’ He said covering his face. ‘’I know that this situation is giving you stress, the NEED to get married, Bruno ill find another job , still as a chef I’ll be alri-----‘’YOU ARE NOT LEAVING MY SIGHT LEA, HOW MANNY TIMES AM I GONNA TELL YOU THIS YOUR ARE NOT LEAVING MY FUCKING SIGHT’’ Bruno snapped. ‘’ WHY DO EVEN WANT TO GET MARRIED ALL WE DO IS FIGHT AND YELL TO EACH OTHER?, YOU DON’T KNOW ME I DON’T KNOW YOU WE JUST HAPPENED TO HAVE SEX AND WELL THIS HAPPENDE ‘’ I said pointing at my belly. ‘’ Cause that’s just how we are, I can’t deny it but I enjoy every single minute you yelled at me , the fights, the sex it’s just amazing and now  there’s a little angel getting ready inside you, it’ mind blowing’’ Bruno said driving again. We made it to the airport. There was a private yet waiting for us. We got in . ‘’Let’s go to vegas’’ Bruno said..


Bruno POV

‘’Lea wake up , we hereeeeeeee’’ I said to Lea we made it to Vegas long ass flight. Lea woke up and a balck car pick us up. We headed to a hotel, paparazzi all over the place. ‘’BRUNO WHOS THAT?’’ ‘’ BRUNO OVER HERE’’ ‘WHOS THAT GIRL BRUNOOOOO’’ They yelled  Lea turned and raised her hands. ‘’GENTE  soy su chef personal, Que tengan lindo dia’’ (People , I’m his personal chef, have a nice day) Lea said in spanish and they stodd there like what the fuck. We got our room, I ran and jump in the bed. ‘’AHHHHHHH YES FINALLY GETTING SOME REST’’ I SHOUT kicking my shoes off. ‘’ Wanna eat something?’’ Lea said standing in the bedroom door. ‘’why we just order room service?’’’ I said sitting up. ‘’ what’s room service ?’’ Lea asked. I gave her a death look.’’ Are you serious right now ?’’ I said and burst in laughter. ‘’LEA room service is when you pick up this room phone you dialed and order whatever the fuck you want , that’s how hotels work didn’t you order room service?’’ I said. ‘’I don’t need that, IM A FUCKING CHEF, ENJOY YOUR ROOM SERVICE RICH BOY’’ Lea said with a smirk leaving the room heading to the kitchen. 25 minutes went bye. I guess I feel asleep , what woke me up was a glorious smell. I got up and went to the kitchen, I look at the time and it was 3:30 pm she cooked white rice, beans, potato salad, fried chicken, and green salad.  I almost droll. ‘’Enjoying what you seeing ?’’ Lea said placing the food in the table. ‘’woaa forget room service’’ I said scratching the back of my neck. I walked back to the room and watched my teeth. And headed back to the table were Lea was. Lea placed my plate HOLY SHIT, I cough  ‘’Lea did you do this?’’ I said referring to the amazing presentation she made. ‘’Umm yeah, eat up, Bon apatite’’ Lea said winking at me. We ate. ‘’ DAMN IM SO FULL’’ I said rubbing my stomach. ‘’so Am I’’ Lea said getting up to picked up the plates, I got up and take them.’’ I got it’’ I said walking to the kitchen. Lea got up and walked to the bedroom. I finished doing the dishes and walk to the room. Lea was laying in the bed  in her black bra and her uniform pants  and socks. Ans she looks gorgeous. She sat on the bed and took her socks off, she stodd up and slide her pants down reviling her black hot pants. I bite my lower lip, she haven’t notice I’m standing here. She’s up to take a shower. She gets up and struggles to get her bra unhooked, ‘’Need help’’ I said making her jump. ‘’Shit , don’t you ever do that’’ She said. ‘’Yes , take this off’’ She said , I unhooked her bra  , she took it off and cover her growing breast  turning around , now we are face to face , she used to have them tiny not that tiny but Normal, But NOW there getting a little bit bigger. I lower my view and her belly is noticeable now . ‘’ Look at that ‘’ I said putting my hand on her stomach, Kissing it. ‘’I gotta take a shower’’ Lea said walking towards the bathroom. ‘’Can I join you’’ I said and she nodded. I took my clothes off, and followed her to the bath tub which was getting field with warm water . She took her underwear off ,  bending down , letting me get a full look of herself. I stand behind her and grab her waist, turning her around kissing her lips. We stop kissing to pick up our breaths, I got in , and so did she. She sat on my naked lap. I was already exited she wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me gently, biting my lower lip. She move her hands and ran them thru my hair, ‘’Umm’’ I let out a soft moan. ‘’ Lets finished what we started’’ I said grabbing my erection positioning it, She grabbed it and insert it  ‘’ummmmmmmmm yes’’ Lea moan grinding , her breasts cover with water drops , her hair all wet. She keep this torture for a while.  I got up and picked her up and she wrapped her legs up to my waist. I placed her slowly in the bed , I spread her her legs and insert myself in thrusting slowly , I increased my rhythm. ‘’ahhh- ahhh – Bruno—‘’ Lea said in every thrust I gave ‘’Slow Baby , slow, ahhh’’ Lea moan and I slow down.  “Too slowww’’ Lea said with a devilish smile , winking at me. I increased the rhythm holding her arms making her breast go up and down, ‘’ahhhh , ahhhhhh , more , umm Moree’’ Lea moan loud I trusted until I reach my  climax. I lay next to her. Kissing her forehead. ‘’Great as always’’ Lea said.  And I smiled. ‘’OH my GOD Bruno give me your hand!!’’ Lea shout .

Lea Marie POV

We just fisnishe having the best sex ever , he lay next to me . ‘’Great as always’’ I said He smiled showing them dimples , when suddenly I feel something moving inside me,’’OH GOD BRUNO give me your hand’’ I shot and he gave me his hand , and I placed it in my belly ‘’……..’’ he stood quite smiling ‘’My – MY –MY Baby just moved, LEA IT MOVED’’   He said with joy , smiling Big. He bend down and kiss the belly several time , he got up and pressed his lips with mine. We laid on the bed for an hour, watching tv. Bruno gets up apparently his phone is ringing , He comes back to the room and sits on the bed.’’Hey my man what’s up’’ He said , ‘’It’s Phil’’ He whisper ‘’Yeahh yeah just landed on vegas  not to long ‘’ He said smiling , then his smile dropped, ‘’WAIT , DID THEY CALLED THE POLICE?,’’Bruno shout and im starting to get worried. ‘’ALRIGHT CALL ME AS SOON YOU GET NEWS’’ He said and hung up. ‘’Umm what happened’’ I asked . Bruno sight. ‘’Someone broke in inside your house’’…………

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