Birthday Evening Part 2 Chapter Thirty-tree

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Lea Marie POV

‘’Show me how angry are ya’’…….. Bruno said sharing a wink. No NO I can’t. ‘’Arent you supposed to be rehearsing for tonight’s show?’’ I asked him. ‘’Umm yeah But I’m the boss and I do whatever the hell I want Now give me some sugar’’ Bruno said opening his arms wide for a hug. I stood there. ‘’Yo whats up with you know? ‘’ He asks sitting in the sofa. ‘’ Ive told you before , this , this is wrong’’ I said. And I can tell we were about to argue again. ‘’Look Lea and how many times I told ya She is  Not gonna find out weve been doing this for how fucking long besides she cheated on me to whats the deal with you?’’ He said getting annoyed. ‘’WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM SOME KIND OF SEX TOY YOU CAN USED WHEN EVER THE FUCK YOU WANT?’’ I Said raising my voice. ‘’You are a very contradicted person you know’’ Bruno said with a smirked. ‘’EXCUSE ME?’’ I said trying to process what he just said. ‘’uhu you heard me, Your saying this shit is wrong then why come you keep fucking with me?’’ He said , shit is about to go down. ‘’ You know what Bruno I aint Fighting with you , it’s your Birthday and you absolutely deserved the best, In fact you know what’’ I paused. And he look me right in the eyes. ‘’Im going back to L.A’’ I said with a lump in my throat. ‘’You are what? Stop being immature Lea’’ Bruno said getting up. ‘’WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH AN ASSHOLE BRUNO JESUS’’ I said raising my voice once again. ‘’Your acting very childish Lea’’ He said and I slap him. ‘’Ouhhhhhhh what the fuck Lea?’’ He said massaging his cheek. ‘’Yeah that’s what you get for being an Fucking jerk’’ I said and right when I was about to talk I started to feel nauseous so  I left Bruno there and headed to the bathroom. ‘’I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU LEA’’ Bruno said behind me and I started to throw up. ‘’Oh shit Lea’’ Bruno said getting paranoid, ‘’Im fine just leave me alone’’. I said and kept throwing up. ‘’Were going to the hospital’’ Bruno said putting his shirt back on . ‘’Bruno Im fucking fi---‘’ He pick me up bridal style and ran to were the stage and the guys were. ‘’I NEED THE VAN’’ Bruno shout. ‘’woo woo woaa man whats up?’’ Phil asked. ‘’Just give me the keys NOW’’ Bruno shout. ‘’Ill drive you’’ Ryan said. ‘’ill take care of this by myself ‘’ Bruno said taking the keys of Ryans hands He picked me up again and ran outside. He open the car door for me And I got in so did he. ‘’ IM fine just take me to the hotel’’ I said it’s just vomiting. Bruno didn’t say a word.

We arrived to the hospital and we went straight to the emergency room  sitting down, to be honest I was feeling dizzy and nauseous again. When I was about to throw up Bruno hands me a bag and holds it massaging my back. ‘’There , there let it all out that’s it, all out’’ Bruno whisper, when I was done he clean my mouth . ‘’why are you being nice now?’’ I asked . ‘’Cause I care about my personal chef aka My sex buddy, aka My sexy Puerto Rican’’ He said and I shared a smile ‘’fuck I feel like dying, my stomach hurts so  bad Bruno’’ I said. ‘’don’t worry it’ll be alright I promised’’ Bruno said and I put my head in his shoulder. ‘’You see Im the perfect guy’’ Bruno said poking my forehead. We aited an hour and finally I hear my name . Bruno helped me got up , and we made ourselves inside the office. The doctor came a made a physical exam.

‘’How long have you been  nauseous?’’ The doctor asked

‘’Umm about um like 2 months’’   I reply

‘’Humm where does it hurt exactly?’’ The doctor asks and starts checking my belly and the right side hurt like a lot. ‘’Well Miss , sorry but youll have to spend the night here’’ She said . ‘’Wait , what?’’ I askes confused. ‘’Miss your appendix is in a big risk so youll stay here and well apply some meds to lower the infection , so there for next step will be operating’’ She said and Bruno’s eyes got wide open. ‘’Is she gonna be alright DOC?’’ He asked very concern holding my hand. ‘’Yes sir , thank God you brought her in time,the appendix  is a very seriouse case , people have died cause of that’’. She said and I started to cry like a freaking baby. ‘’shh sh Lea youll be fine’’ Bruno said cleaning my tears’’ okay so ill get the room ready.’’ The doctor said leaving the room. I look at the time and it’s 6:30 pm and Bruno’s concert starts at 8:00pm sharp. ‘’Bruno go, ill be fine’’ I said. ‘’NO, I won’t leave you’’ He reply annoyed. ‘’they’ve been waitng for you go  ill be here waiting’’ I said sharing a smile . he lean and kiss my forehead ‘’Good luck Jerk’’ I whisper and he smile’’ see you soon’’ he said leaving the room… and I sight fuck I should’ve told him ………..

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