What's Next? Chapter Twenty-Four

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Lea Marie POV 

We’ve been in Europe for a month now. Vanessa didn’t came which was weird , When we were in L.A her bags and all her shit was packed and Bruno shoved in my face that she was coming for the tour. And when I arrived to the house she didn’t looked happy at all, well too bad she’s in L.A and we are here , Having fun. I’ve been very lucky, and I’m so thankful with my dad , cause if it wasn’t for him and his surprised he gave me at the airport at last minute I wouldn’t be here . Any who October has finally arrived wich means Bruno’s Birthday is coming I’ve been talking to Phil and the Band and we prepare something amazing for him. Today well Bruno and the hooligans are wrapping up with ‘Just the way you are’ And I was Blushing even tho the song is for the audience,  I just get flashed back since we first met. He’s  been a pain in the ass but I can helped feeling happy, He has been a great friend , man. Awww I’m so stupid. I was sitting backstage eating some Ruffles, listening Bruno and the crowd sing.

‘’It would mean the world to me if yall help me finished this song, The way you’’ Bruno sang

‘’ARE!!!!!!!!!!’’ Crowd

 ‘’The way you’’’’’ Bruno


‘’Girl your amaizing Just the way you are!!! And when you SMILE the whole world stops and stares for a while cause girl your amazing just the way—YOU ARE’’. The crowd sang and Bruno smiled big. And here comes the best part, well my favorite part when he hits all them high notes.

‘’Just way’’

‘’just the waaay’’

‘’just the waaay ‘’

‘’JUST THE WAYYY–yyyy-yyy-yyyy’’’  Bruno sang and the crowd went crazy.

‘’youuu areeeee’’ Then the band join in ‘’ ouhh,ouhh,ouhhhh ouhhhhhhhh’’ He finished the song and the crowd was overwhelmed.  They all said good bye . And I was crying happy tears I’m so stupid Oh god. Bruno rushed into the room making me jump and dropped my chips. ‘’Aww fuck’’ I shout. ‘’ They are more of those right?’’ Bruno said concern and smiling big. He gave me a tight hug and kissed me gently on the cheeks.

‘’We are heading straight to the hotel to get ready cause we are going to the club’’ Bruno said, cleaning the sweat in his face along with the Harlem shake. ‘’ Bruno umm I –I wished I could go but I’m tired, I know it’s stupid , but I’m not used to this, sorry’’ I said. ‘’Then I’ll stay with you’’ Bruno said taking his shirt off, he was now on his tank top. ‘’No , no you don’t have to stay with me and besides you’re the host tonight ,Go it’s fine have fun you are in EUROPE JERK FACE ’’ I said doing a TA-DA pose. ‘’I’ll be back’’ Bruno said leaving the room. I sit there alone for 10 minutes. ‘’Where the fuck did he go’’. I said to myself.

Bruno POV 

‘’Phil I can’t make it to the club’’ I said to Phil thru the phone. I mean it’s Lea’s first time away from home and I can’t just let her all by herself. ‘’ Man you know how the hooligans are they gone be mad at you’’ Phil reply. ‘’ You at the club right?’’ I asked. ‘’uh yeah’’ Phil reply. ‘’ I got an idea grab a mic and put me on speaker’’ I said. ‘’Man are yo—‘’ ‘’Yes do it’’ I cut him off.

‘’Aigh , one two , tres (3) ‘’ I heard Phil talk.And the crowd went crazy. ‘’Aight aight you know I have a special person on the phone and that someone wants to talk to yall , shall I put him on speaker’’ Phil said. ‘’GO GO GO GO ‘’ the crowd shout. ‘’Aigh man’’ Phil gave me the signal.’’ SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH’’ Phil said to the crwod so they can hear me.

‘’WHAT UP’’ I said with my raspy sexy voice and they screamed , and shout their lungs out . I couldn’t help but laugh. ‘’Look, I cant make it tonigh’’ I said and they boo at me.’’ HOLD IT HOLD IT LET ME FINISHED GEEZ’’ I said playfully. And they laught. ‘’Since I can’t make it , Yall are coming for a next show tomorrow night a private show, and yall having free merchandised, free drinks ,food , and get ready for this’’ I said. And the crowd stood quite. ‘’YALL HAVE TO WAIT FOR TOMORROW TO SEE JAHJAHJAHAJHAJ BYE BYE’’ I said and the went crazy all over again I love my hooligans so much. ‘’ That’s a nice gesture of yours man , I’ll hit you up in the morning’’ Phil said and hung up. I ran to backstage and there was Lea sleeping in the sofa , I got closer to her and whisper.’’Lea time to go’’. She yawned and got up. ‘’Bruno I’m Hungry’’ Lea said picking her bag. ‘’ I’m craving Taco Bell yo’’ Lea said. ‘’Let’s go to TACO BELL DAMN IT’’ I shout and got in the van. We drove to the closest taco bell.

‘’Welcome to taco bell can I take your order’’ The woman in the speaker said

‘’Yeah Umm I’m having some nachos, some of the Dorito thing, and hit me up with some of  that volcano box, and— and for the drinks hit me up with some sprits please’’ I said.

’That will be $25.25’’ she reply. We drove to the window to picked up our food, I open the window. The woman hasn’t notice who I am.

Heres you----‘’ She froze And I smiled.

‘’OH OH OH MY GOD YOUR BRUNO MARS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH’’ The woman scream, and I shhh her. ‘’Lea get me that paper’’ I said to Lea and she hand me the paper.

‘’What’s your name sweetheart?’’ I asked and she started to cry.

‘’Moo-mooo-moo-Monica’’ She finally spit it out. ‘’here ya go good night and thanks’’ I said and we took off to the Hotel. The van drop us and It was 2 am in the morning. We finally made it to our room. Lea took her convers along with her skinny jeans, she was just wearing a long sleeves shirt and a Light pink panties and socks. ‘’fuck’’ I whisper. We haven’t had sex or touched each other for a whole month. And It’s my fault. But I can’t take it anymore. I placed the food on the table, and took my cloths off I was just in my boxers. But I need it a shower Lea was in the other shower so im using another shower. We each took a 30 minute shower . I wrap my towel in my waist. And walked to the room wich I share with Lea, I Put on some boxers and a tank top. And Lea came out wearing a mickey mouse shirt, Booty shorts and long socks, She looks very temting. And she gave me a look. And I laid in the bed and she walk towards me and gave me a kiss in the forehead. Then she made her way to the bathroom again, I automatically got up and followed her I couldn’t take it anymore. I picked her up and she wrap her legs in my waist. And she kissed me fiercely. ‘’Damn it ’’ she whisper in my ear. I put her in the sink and took her booty shorts along with her panties. She took her shirt off she was braless. I took my shirt off And I spread her legs, and I slowly rub her clit, and she moan, then I insert my middle finger , in and out.’’’Ouhh Fuu-cck ’’ She moan in my ear. ‘’fuck me’’ she whisper. ‘’umm not yet’’ I reply……………..


Guys Thank you so much for voting and reading the story, OMG so many reads IM seriously about to cry I'm so thankful <3 xoxoxo , Sorry for the boring and short chapter, next chapter will be BETTER

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