Faith or Karma Chapter Four

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Lea Marie POV

  ‘’FUCK YOOOUUU, BRUNO FUCKKK YOUUU’’ I said screaming my lungs out at Bruno closing the entrance door . ‘’WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE’S PROBLEM, HE TOOK THIS SITUATION OR WHATEVER THAT WAS WAY TO FAR’’ I said talking to myself. It was already 1:00 am and I need it some rest, because the next day which means today I have a work meting interview at a restaurant. ’’OUCHHH, fucking asshole’’ I said licking my swollen lip, whatever it might be okay for the interview. I change into my pj’s , brushed my teeth and crash in my bed , feeling pissed , angry , ‘’Fuck you BRUNO MARS’’ I said falling asleep.  

Bruno POV

It was already 1:00 am , “WHAT’’ I said choking my head at the clock.

‘’Babe is that you’’ I heard Vanessa’s voice coming from the room. ‘’ NO, Fuck of course it’s me, isn’t this my home? ‘’ I said to her with attitude. Come on I’m tired and not in the mood for stupid questions I said to myself, making my way to the room.

‘’BABE, I missed you so much’’ she shouted running towards me, hugging me and kissing me gently on the lips. ‘’Me too honey, but can we talk on the morning I’m very tired’’ I said to her walking towards the bathroom.

‘’Ummm Where were you? You arrived to L.A like 6 hours ago.’’ She ask folding her arms.

‘’WHAT do you mean with where were YOU?’’ I said raising my raspy voice. YEAH raspy voice that’s because all the screaming and yelling with the airplane girl. ‘’ I went for a walk, I’ve been away from L.A for months,  Don’t I deserved a walk? Huu? DON’T I? I said looking at her in the eyes.

‘’ You need to rest, and we need some alone time’’ she said doing the cat walk towards me , taking her bathrobe off. She look so tempting but , I’m not going for it tonight .

 ‘’Look Vanessa I love you and I missed you but , I’m tired and I’m not in the mood for love , and sex making okay!’’ I said to her picking the bathrobe handing it to her.

‘’FINE oh and BTW we have to go and meting at the restaurant with our next personal chef ’’ She shouted. ‘’ YOUR ON YOUR OWN, WHATEVER GOOD NIGHT’’ I shouted to her crashing in my bed. ‘’Oh fuck airplane girl I almost had you ‘’ I said thru my thoughts, falling asleep.

7:30 am I heard the alarm go off.

‘’Bruno babe wake up gotta get ready for the meeting’’ Vanessa shouted making me jump

‘’Yo I told you , you’re on yo own , get the fuck out I wanna sleep’’ I said to her with my sleepy voice covering my face with the bed sheets. ‘’ If I go would you stop SHOUTING AT ME? I asked her.

‘’Yes whatever get dress ‘’ She said. I got up brushed my teeth , took a bath and got dress. I threw on a business suit along with some vans, I puff the Fro and put on the shades.

‘’Let’s go before I change my fucking mind’’ I shouted to Vanessa picking up the car keys. Making our way to the fucking meeting.

 Lea Marie POV

I got up at 6:00 am, my lip was a lot better, you could still see the scar, but I wasn’t swollen so FUCK it. I took a shower, and threw on my chef uniform. I was feeling very excited and proud, but mostly exited, who’s celebrity am I working for like just thinking of that it’s mind-blowing. I finished getting ready It was 6:45, ‘’SHIT , I DON’T WANT TO BE LATE’’ I took the house keys locked , called a cab ,’’FUCK I NEED A CAR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE’’ I said thru my teeth. The cab arrive it was 7:00 am good I’m still on time. I was like a 15 minute ride (7:15am) I made my way in to one of the most expensive restaurants in L.A.

‘’Welcome, how can we help you’’ the receptionist of the restaurant ask

‘’Yes umm Morning , I have an appointment , a meeting’’ I reply with a shy voice

‘’Of course your Mrs. Lea Marie ? come , right this way’’ the receptionist lead the way to a private table.

‘’Thank you’’ I said politely, sitting and waiting. As im sitting I see flashes , ‘’Woa what time is it 7:30am what are the paparazzi doing here so early , FUCK , am I stupid ,expensive restaurant , equals celebrities’’ I said thru my teeth.

‘’Right this way ‘’ I heard the receptionist on the background. I got up and fixed the front of my uniform.

‘’Mrs. Lea Marie’’ The receptionist says, I guess that the intro, greeting or whatever I don’t really know how fancy places work. I turned around‘’ oh my God’’ ......

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