I do Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Still On Bruno’s POV

“I Love you” I said , stroking slightly her cheeks. I just took off all the weight I got inside, and it felt very very well. She looked at me back and smile, turning red as a tomato. “I-I Love you to Bruno” Lea said pressing her lips with mine.  We shared the kiss for a good moment. “Let’s go and get married Now I don’t really care about anything right now”  I said holding her hands with mine. She nodded , smiling big “let’s go jerk” She said and we hoped in the car we drove to the closest look alike church. I slam the door wide open “ GET ME MARRIED NOW” I shout. And a preacher comes out. “ May I get the names?” The guy with a tuxedo asked. “ Peter Hernandez and Lea Santiago” I snapped. “ Okay then let me get the rings , did both of you have your vows?” He asked I nodded. “I’ll be back” He said leaving Lea and I in the altar. I picked up a flower that was laying in a vase all by herself and placed it behind Lea’s ear. “Beautiful” I said smiling. “Ready for this?” Lea asked nervous. “Hell yeah I am” I reply. “okay lets start the ceremony, Would you like to do it traditionally or ? “ He asked. “ Just say the part that the preacher says at the end of a wedding “ I said and he Nodded. “Well exchange your vows, you go First Peter” He said , I sight. “ Lea, I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love. I promise to encourage you and inspire you and to love you through good times and bad. I will FOREEVER be there to laught with you, to lift you up when your down , to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when Im with you.With this ring, I give you my heart, I promise form this day forward, you shall not walk alone, may my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home.” I said putting the ring on her finger. I look at her and she was in tears. I clean them and smile. “Miss Your turn” The preacher said.

Lea Marie POV

Im in tears, real tears, THE happy tears. I picked up the ring also with it Bruno’s hand, “ I’d rather have a beautiful marriage , than a perfect ceremony, No one falls in love by choice it is by a chance. We are friends for life. And it’s crazy because I don’t even know when you became so important to me” I said crying and Bruno’s eye where getting watery as well. “ I promise to love you with out condition,to honor you everyday, to laught with you when your happy, and to support you when your sad, to guide you when you ask for direction, to challenge you to be a better person, and allow you to do the same for me, to be your biggest fan and your ever present listening audience. I love you for all that you are , all that you have been and all you’re yet to be” I said putting the ring on his finger. “ Peter do you take Lea to be your wife?" He asked . "I do" I reply. "Do you Lea take Peter as your Husband?" He asked . " I do" She snapped ," Well, With the power of this book and Lisence, church and Vegas I pronounce you Husband and wife, you may kiss the bride”…. 

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