Chapter Two

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Hey there, Riley here. Sorry about Grace, she gets a little over dramatic sometimes. Okay, that was a lie. She's over dramatic all the time.


Sorry, she just punched me in the arm.

It's not my fault you're such a drama queen!

Anyways, I guess you should know me. I'm pretty much an ordinary guy- well, that was till I met Grace. I've always been taller than everyone my age. I've also always stood out. There aren't many kids-or people for that matter- that have my features. There was also the fact that I looked like I'd be a powerful warrior when my dad left me and my mom; though how a four-year-old can look like a promising warrior I'll never know. After my dad left Mom and I, nobody really took me all that serious. If a boy's father left him, there surely was no way that he could be even a decent fighter, right?


After my father left us, my mom became more determined than ever to train me to be the best that I could possibly be.

I was playing in the park with a warlock child- my family and warlocks have a good history- when I met Grace. I was seven then, and me and the warlock were trying to catch ducks from the pond nearby. When I finally caught one, this little girl with stormy eyes stomped right up to me and screamed, "What are you doing with that bastard?! Didn't your parents ever tell you that ducks were the evilest, vilest, vicious creatures to ever walk the planet?! What are you, seven?"

"I am, actually," I replied, despite the fact that a girl around my age yelled bastard at the top of her lungs.

As if on cue to my thought, her dad came up behind her and said, "Grace Raine Carstairs! What have I told you about language? Just because John says it doesn't mean that you can!" Though he wasn't serious, he was trying very hard not to laugh- probably because Grace Raine just called ducks vicious, evil bastards.

Like the mom she is, as soon as Grace Raine's dad came by us she picked up Briar- the warlock- and walked right over to me, Grace Raine and her dad.

"Amber Fairchild, nice to meet you," she said to Grace Raine's dad, sticking her arm out right as she arrived.

Grace Raine's dad looked a little taken aback, I mean there aren't a lot of people in parks that come up to you and introduce themselves randomly. He quickly composed himself, though, and shook her hand saying, "Charles Carstairs. Charmed to meet you. Sorry about little Gracie, she just got excited."

"I didn't get excited about those little b-"

"Beasts," Charles said as he cut Grace Raine off.

Mom laughed that laugh of hers- the laugh that always caused other shadowhunters to turn their heads. It definitely worked for Charles. But only for a second.

He looked at me and said, "Hi, I'm Charles and this is Grace, what's your name?"

When I was younger I was shy- actually, I still am- so I quickly clung to my mom's leg and replied, "Riley F-Fairchild."

Charles smiled. "Nice to meet you Riley. How old are you?"

I looked at my mom for permission and she nodded.

"Seven," I replied, much more confident than the last time.

"Me too!" Grace Raine said.

"Really?" Briar asked from my mom's arms.

"Really," Grace Raine replied.

Charles was much more polite than his daughter. When he noticed Briar, he immediately began speaking to him. "And who might you be?"

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