Chapter Twenty Three

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This information is currently being decided.

Well, the person we sent this to is probably sighing in relief as they listen to this. Sorry about that. What's it been... eight weeks? It wasn't my idea.

Anyways, as I was saying, before the other device rudely ran out of capacity, I didn't mean to tell you about the whole "woman on the horizon" thing. Grace was, but she and Riley aren't back yet so...

Ha! I got here first! I told you that I'm faster than you!

Or maybe I just let you win- Wait, Dayton, is that the new recorder?

Er... No? Also, did you really have to smack the table just to prove to Riley you could run faster?

Dayton, don't change the subject. Please tell me it's not recording.

It's not recording.

Okay then...

Why were you racing?

I told Grace Raine that whoever gets back first can continue from where you left off.

I thought we had already agreed that she'd be recording next anyways?

We did, which is why I let her win-

Ha! You wish you had let me win! You're just saying that so your big, fat ego doesn't get damaged! Wait a second, is that light green?


Yes, it is! Dayton, we told you not to start the new one!

Well, I'm sorry! It's not my fault it's been eight weeks! The last one ran out of storage while I was in the middle of a sentence! What was I supposed to do? Sit here and wait for you guys to come back, and have the person we sent this to- along with anyone else this was shared to- to wonder what happened to me?

Well, no...

Then what should I have done?

Waited for us to get back?

You guys were gone for like an hour! I didn't know when you'd come back! It's not my fault you're horrible fighters.

Excuse me? I'll have you know-

Grace Raine, he's doing it on purpose. We're wasting precious recording time. Let's just tell the story. We'll deal with Dayton afterwards.

Fine. Where'd you leave off?

'Our guests have arrived'...

Of course you did. Why'd we let you-?

Oh, so we're dealing with this right now? I thought you said you were dealing with me afterwards. If you're not, c'mon already. This is our last recording device.


Good! Now, someone sit down and tell this damn part.

Okay, okay, fine. No need to be so snippy about it. Is there a way to delete what's already been said? Oh well, fine then. Riley, Dayton, go do something useful.

Honestly, that day is hard to remember. So many things happened, and it was almost too much for my brain to process.

The woman had to have been fifty yards away-

They already know this.

Raziel, Dayton, I'm just trying to give some background before I pick up from where you left off!

Okay, okay. Why're you so stressed out, Grace?

Because someone's interrupting every single one of my damn sentences!

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