Chapter Fifteen

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I added this song only because when I wrote Grace saying 'right here, right now', I thought of this; my only reason xD


An unfamiliar voice woke me up. That, and the fact that an obnoxious beam of light was shone right in my eyes.

Through my spotty vision, I could see that Riley blinked confusedly at the area where the beam ended. He nudged Dayton's shoulder with his foot. How Dayton was asleep with the sun directly in his face was beside me.

"Well, what're you doing in the tree?" the voice said again, this time much more annoyed.

"Oh, you know, just lounging around," I said to get the beam focused on me. Next thing I knew, the beam was lowered and it was obviously on the ground.

I squinted to look at the general area Riley was. I couldn't see his outline. "Did you just knock him out?"

"Yeah... There a problem with that?" Riley replied from the base of the tree.

"Yes. I don't know how there isn't a problem with that," Dayton replied as he started to climb down the trunk.

I rolled my eyes and jumped off of the branch I had slept on. I landed quite gracefully if I do say so myself. Landing, I realized Dayton couldn't see my eye roll. "Mundies."

"I heard that!"

"I wasn't whispering it."

"Shut. Up!" Riley snapped as he picked up the flashlight. "Whoever this guy is," he nudged the unconscious Peacekeeper, "obviously knows who we are. We need to get out of here. Who knows who else will try tracking us?"

I grabbed the light out of his hands. "For starters, we can not shine the sun every goddamn place in the dark. Don't you have a witchlight?"

Riley grumbled as he set his pack down on the ground. Unzipping it, he looked at me.

"Oh fine," I growled as I turned on the flashlight so he could see the contents of his pack. After another minute or so, Riley pulled out his witchlight.

"Finally," I said turning the flashlight off as Riley turned on the witchlight by pressing his forefinger on the rune.

Dayton cleared his throat. He nodded towards Riley's witchlight and the flashlight I was holding. "What am I, districtless?"

"Well..." I began, but Dayton silenced me with his hand.

"Whatever, we need to get to the border of here well before sunrise."

"Lead the way then," Riley said, pointing the direction the moon was rising.

Riley? What direction does the moon rise? What? I can't hear you! You do realize that you're more than a meter away from me, right? Oh, don't give me crap about werewolf hearing, just answer the goddamn question so I can continue my part of the story! Northeast? See, was that so hard?

Okay, back to this.

"Lead the way then," Riley said, pointing northeast- where the moon was just rising.

(Don't give me shit about saying that sentence again. If you won't do it for me, do it for yourself.)

Dayton shrugged and took the lead, walking at a very fast pace despite our minimal lighting.

"I think you're lost," I said after wandering seemingly aimlessly for at least an hour.

"Am not! How would you know anyways? This is only your first week in Twelve!"

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