Chapter Twelve

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Oh great. Grace, I don't know if I should thank you for letting me tell when Magnus came or kill you for making me tell when Magnus came.

Maximilian laughed. "I think it might be the other way around, Magnus."

Okay, yeah... I'm breaking the fourth wall. Wow. Grace, I think you're awful storytelling skills are growing on me. Okay, anyways, to the people reading- or listening, I don't know what the hell the person we sent this to did with this recording- it feels really awkward to call Praetor Scott Maximilian. It just does. I'm not on first name terms. It just won't happen, so I'm just going to call him the Praetor or Praetor Scott from now on, okay?

Alright... Back to this train wreck.

Magnus shot daggers at the Praetor. "'Course you'd say that," he said as he closed the door, shooting me a dirty look as he walked past me.

"Well, someone's sparkles didn't go on right today," I muttered under my breath. Praetor Scott and Grace Raine stifled laughter by coughing into their hands.

"What? Tell me to my face," Magnus snapped at me.

I walked around the High Warlock of Shorthorn and stood next to Grace Raine. "Oh, nothing..."

Magnus took a step towards Praetor Scott, but still kept his distance. "You said nobody would be here..." He said as he held out a piece of paper, careful to hide its contents from Grace Raine and me.

However, the heading was still visible. Apparently. I only saw a blur, but Grace saw it and asked, "Why do you have a letter from the Clave?"

Magnus realized that the title was visible. He shoved it at Praetor Scott- who caught it and started reading- and looked at Grace quizzically.

"How the hell did you read that, shadowhunter?"

"Oh, you know-" Grace growled in response, till Praetor Scott cut her off.

"Insulting my pack, are you Magnus?"

Magnus paled so that his black, spiky hair seemed like a beacon of light. "What?!"

"Raziel! You fought the battle and you didn't even check on the people who brought you there?!" I yelled.

"I assumed it was a setup with the persistence of someone." Magnus shot a look at Grace Raine, who blushed and looked at her shoes. "Also, I had urgent matters to deal with."

"Did these 'urgent matters' have anything to do with Fluffy the Second?" I snapped.

Praetor Scott burst out laughing. "They've.... met... Fluffy....?" He said in between fits of laughter.

"The Second," Magnus said. "But, not exactly. The battle just happened to occur the morning after the party."

The Praetor's eyes were watering then. "You. Fought. Hung. Over?"

Grace Raine then burst out laughing. "Dammit, Max!" Laughter. "We... were... trying.... to... have... a serious.... discussion."

"Oh, Max? First name basis, are we?" Magnus said, looking at both Grace Raine and the Praetor. He waggled his eyebrows.

I swear that steam came from out of my ears.

Praetor Scott grew serious in an instant. "Magnus...," he growled.

"Say that again, it'll be the last thing you say," I finished for the Praetor.

Magnus made a huge show of rolling his eyes. "Alright, I'm sorry. I'm also extremely sorry that you're now part of this Downworlder mess." I couldn't tell who the last part of his sentence was for. It seemed like it was for Grace Raine, but Magnus was looking at me as he said it.

"Well, thanks for that. I really should get going to the Institute, though," I said as I walked back towards the door.

"Fairchild, wait. I think you should stay over here, at least for tonight." Magnus said to me, making me stop opening the door.

I looked at Praetor Scott but replied to Magnus. "Well, considering that I'm not in Praetor Scott's pack, nor am I a Downworlder, I don't think that I can stay."

The Praetor handed Magnus back the Clave paper.

"Riley, I really think you should stay. At least for tonight."

I perked up. "Really?" I figured he just wasn't thinking straight.

"Yes," he said exasperatedly. "Now, Derek, go show our newest member and her parabatai their rooms; before I change my mind." Derek grabbed Grace Raine and my wrists and dragged us upstairs.
"We have to share a room?" Grace Raine asked as Derek opened a room to show a quite small room complete with two beds, a nightstand in between, and a dresser at the front of the room.

"Grace, Grace, Grace." Derek said, shaking his head. "You're a werewolf now, whether you like it or not. Plus, you're living at the Praetor Lupus headquarters. You get a roommate. Deal with it. However, they will be the same sex. This is just a special circumstance. A one night only circumstance." Derek then briskly turned around probably left to check on the pack.

"Well, he's a ray of sunshine," I said as I could no longer see Derek.

"I heard that!" Derek yelled back.

"Stupid werewolf hearing..." I muttered as I walked into the room.

"I call the one closest to the window!" Grace Raine said as she ran around me.

"Darn it!" I muttered as she sat on the bed. I closed the door and sat on the bed that was only about five feet away from it.

Grace Raine laughed. "Riley Jonathan Fairchild. It's okay to cuss sometimes. Loosen up!"

I rolled my eyes and laid on my back. "'Night," I mumbled since I had no idea how to respond. I closed my eyes.

I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, the window- which I had totally forgotten about- was being opened and a figure with bright blonde hair tumbled in. He landed fast first on the thin ground.
A/N So... What do you think the letter that Magnus had was about? Comment your theories! 
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