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I put in my headphones after cleaning and settled down on the couch with a blanket and a book. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland to be specific. I needed a few ideas for the choreography of one of the junior dance teams whose theme was Wonderland. It was nice to relax and, though I love Grace and her relationship with Blake, it gets a bit annoying to listen to them talk all mushy.

I had only been reading for about half an hour when the music was interrupted by my text tone.

Great I thought. Just keep reading, Jade. You have to focus.

That didn't last long. Then came a few other messages and a nudge on my shoulder.

"Jade, why is your brother blowing up my phone?" said Grace while holding her phone up to my face. "I don't care what we do, can you just handle it please."

"I don't know. Hang on. I think he's sending me the same thing. Maybe it's spam, or he's bored. Or drunk." I said, a little annoyed at the interruptions.

I took out my headphones and looked at my phone to see what was going on while Grace went back to talk to Blake.

Henry: Hey guys. So my wedding is coming up and everyone who's in this I'd like to get to know each other before hand.

Henry: I don't want it to be one of those awkward weddings where no one really talks to each other. I want it to be fun!

Henry: And I know all of you are in LA right now, so try to get together. For me? Please?

"He is such a weirdo" I say out loud, smirking at my phone.

I hear Grace say her goodbyes as she gets up to sleep, "To be honest, I don't care whoever we meet. I just don't want your brother putting me in a group message. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I say back and save my place in the book before I set it down. "Now it's time to deal with this."

Me: Hey bro, could you stop blowing up mine and Grace's phones?? Trying to sleep.

Unknown: Oh so this is your infamous little sister!!🙋

Me: Umm.. Yea? Who are you..

Henry: Jade, that's Dylan. Dylan, my little sister Jade. The other people in this are Jade's friend, Grace, and also Ki, Thomas, and Will.

Henry: I want you guys to meet each other!! :)

Me: Grace and I are fine with it. And are these the guys you met while in Louisiana??

Dylan: Yup. It's a long story. Hahaha😂😂

Me: So I've heard.

Unknown: Hey guys. Not cool. 😑

Dylan: Jade, that's Will. Now we just have to wait for Ki and Thomas to join this.

Will: Hi. So we get to meet Henry's little sister and friend?

Me: I guess so! We just need to figure out a time and place. I've got work usually and so does Grace.

Will: Oh that's no problem! We're all here on work too.

Unknown: Hi everyone.

Henry: You guys literally don't know how happy this makes me. Oh and Jade, that last person was Thomas.

Me: Anything for you bro and hey😋

Thomas: So what are we all going to do?

Unknown: Let's go bowling!! Or something fun like laser tag. 🙅

Dylan: That would be Ki.

Dylan: And as much as I'd like to do those things, that's not really how you get to know people 😂😂

Me: We could do something tomorrow, but Grace has to do an interview at 4pm for her work and I'm sitting in on it just for the heck of it😂

Will: Hey that's, funny. We have a group interview at 4 too.

Thomas: That is strange. Is it at the Penderwick Hotel?

Me: Yea it is! How did you know?

Thomas: That's where ours is. Maybe she's interviewing us!

Ki: That would be so cool!!😆

Henry: How about you guys just meet up at the hotel and see if it's the same interview.

Dylan: Sounds good! You think you and Grace would be okay with that? Meet up at the hotel say around 3:30 and we can hang out afterwards??

Me: I'm in!!

Henry: Thank you guys so much! It means a lot to me. I love you guys.

Me: No prob bro☺️

Me: But seriously, I'm out. I really need sleep. 😂😂 goodnight everyone!

Henry: Night lil sis! 😘

Will: Night

Thomas: Goodnight

I turn my phone off before I can get anymore messages and pull myself off the couch. As I gather up the blanket and book, I can't help but feel excited for tomorrow.

I know who Dylan, Thomas, Will, and Ki are, but it still surprises me that my brother knows them. I'll have to hear the story from them I guess. I slip quietly into bed, eager to wake up to the upcoming day.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now